Page 67 of Indulgent Pleasures

“Oh, I’m sure he did.”

“We can make up for lost time.”

“I thought we’d made up for it pretty good the last time we saw each other.”

“Well yeah, that was fun but I’ve missed you, Stephanie.”

His admission was the first of its kind and it shocked her silent. There was something more going on and she wasn’t quite sure how to approach it.

“I’ve, um, I’ve missed you too, Justin.” She glanced around again, hoping no one heard her. Especially Caleb. He was such a nosy bastard and he’d run with this story like no one’s business.

“You want to stay the night?”

She gulped and her heart dropped to her stomach. “Um, I don’t have anything with me to wear for tomorrow.”

“Call in sick.” His voice was soft, cajoling. “Spend the day with me, babe.”

Oh, that sounded so good. Spending all night with him and then the entire day tomorrow, like a real couple would. She had nothing pressing to turn into Zoe and hey, she could justify calling in sick if she was with Justin. She could consider it research and all.

Her eyes slid closed and she swallowed hard, feeling like crap. She needed to come clean. She needed to tell him exactly what was going on with all of those articles. Maybe she could gather the courage to do so tonight or tomorrow.

Yeah tomorrow. Give herself at least one more day.

“Stephanie, are you still there?”

“Yes, I’m sorry. I’ll leave in a few minutes and call you when I get on the freeway. I’m sure traffic will be a nightmare.”

“Great. I’m glad you said yes.” He paused. “Drive safe, babe.”

“I will. See you in a little bit.” She slipped her phone into her purse and glanced up to find Caleb staring directly at her, his gaze intense.

As if he’d heard every single word she’d just said.

“Are you okay?” She pretended she had nothing to hide. Better to act casual, throw Caleb off track by throwing it back on him.

He sat up straight in his chair and turned back to his monitor. “I’m fine. Why the hell do you ask? Like you care.”

She ignored him, figuring he was still pissed off.

Let him fester. He deserved it, the jackass. He had a lot of nerve thinking people would want to read his article about dirty name calling.

If he kept tripping up and making mistakes, maybe Zoe and the powers that be would give the column to just her. Exactly what she’d wanted in the first place.

Wouldn’t that be perfect? A girl could dream.

A girl also needed to watch her back. She really hoped Caleb didn’t hear any part of her phone conversation with Justin.

Knowing Caleb though, that might be futile worrying on her part.

Chapter Twenty-two

Justin hadn’t had this much fun since he could remember. If he was having fun, it was usually baseball-related, hanging out with his friends from the team but they were all busy actually playing baseball.

He’d been sulking ever since the accident. Hated to admit it, but it was true. And then he’d run into Stephanie.

Well, she’d run into him. And changed his life for the better.

She’d come over last night and they ate pizza, watched a terrible movie on pay per view and then decided to soak in his giant tub.