Page 38 of Indulgent Pleasures

Stephanie pointed a finger in Caleb’s face, going for her most stern expression. “No funny business. Don’t forget.”

He held his hands up in front of his tuxedoed chest. “Always ready to throw down on me when I have nothing but good intentions. If I didn’t know any better I’d think you want me to try something.”

She ignored him, strode ahead of him along the wide red carpet that had been laid out especially for the glittering charity gala she was attending with Caleb.

Ugh. Wasting a perfectly beautiful dress on him too when she’d prefer nothing else but to attend the party with Justin.

He’d returned home from his trip yesterday and had sounded exhausted when he called her. He’d also been extremely vague, not offering many details about his trip to New York and even a little evasive over when they would see each other again.

His behavior had only reaffirmed she was doing the right thing by getting out and mingling with the young and wealthy of San Francisco. Well, the old and wealthy would be there too but she was really there to watch Caleb. Busting moves and turning the charm on poor innocent women.

She could hardly wait.

“Want a drink?” Caleb walked next to her as they entered the ballroom, tall and lean and, yes, she hated to admit it, handsome in his black tux. A woman in a sparkly pale blue strapless baby-doll dress eyed him appreciatively, her chiffon skirts billowing out around her as she walked by and Caleb flashed his usual blinding-white grin.

“See? This is going to be a piece of cake.” Caleb snapped his fingers.

“I can’t believe Zoe is torturing me like this.” When she’d gone into Zoe’s office after speaking with Caleb, Zoe had seemed thrilled with the idea. Encouraging Stephanie how much fun it would be not only to go to one of the most talked-about charity events of the year, but also her role as the proverbial fly on the wall in regards to Caleb’s antics.

Problem was, she wasn’t excited about being the fly on the wall at all. She didn’t really want to watch Caleb become the charming pervert of all perverts and work his way into an endless string of silk panties.

Stephanie checked out every woman she passed. Their perfectly coiffed hair, the gorgeous dresses they wore, their artfully applied makeup. She had no doubt that these women wore the latest in Agent Provocateur lingerie. Two hundred dollar bras and one hundred dollar panties were so not in her budget.

Though she wanted them to be. She, the queen of coveting beautiful underwear, salivated over their website, even worse, in their store. More than once she’d walked in to touch the fine fabric and finger the delicate lace.

She sighed and grabbed a glass of champagne off a waiter’s tray with a smile as he walked past. She needed to stop dreaming about underwear and start working the room.

Ahem. No, she needed to watch Caleb work the room.

“I already have a drink,” she finally said, waving her glass in front of Caleb before taking a sip. The bubbles fizzed down her throat, tickled her nose and she coughed discreetly.

“Not used to boozing it up?” His golden brows lifted, his high cheekbones extra sharp in the shadowy light.

“Oh please.” She took another sip, a bigger one this time and shot him a wicked smile. “Now aren’t you supposed to get to work?”

He smiled and cocked his head toward her. “Absolutely. Sit back and watch the master in his element.”

Stephanie found a seat at a small round table and glanced about the crowded room. The event was benefiting homeless children and their families, a worthy cause the city worked hard in assisting and City Magazine was one of many sponsors of the event. It was a cocktail party, drinks and appetizers, no sit-down dinner thank goodness.

She didn’t think she could stand sitting close to Caleb during a two hour plus dinner, listening to him drone on.

He stood at a tall cocktail table across from her, leaning against it in an outwardly nonchalant manner. His stance was anything but nonchalant. His blue eyes were narrowed, scanning the room and lingering on every woman who walked by him.

Ready to talk, ready to pounce.

Mentally she took notes. The downright hungry expression on Caleb’s face and the flirting glances every single woman shot in his direction. His good looks were his best asset, earning him interest from practically all of the women in the room and he used them to his best advantage.

She had to admit, she was impressed. The man certainly knew how to garner attention.

“Busy observing, I see?”

Stephanie whirled around at the sound of Zoe’s voice. Her boss stood before her clad in an extremely short, very gold sleeveless dress.

“You caught me,” Stephanie admitted with a shrug, still sipping on the champagne.

Zoe smiled and nodded her head toward Caleb. “He’s looking good. I’m surprised you’re so resistant to working with him. He’s gorgeous.”

Stephanie wrinkled her nose. “I don’t fraternize with fellow employees, it causes too many problems especially if things don’t work out. Besides, he’s not my type.”