Page 37 of Indulgent Pleasures

“I’ll think about it. Discuss it with Curt, see what he says. And we’ll need to see a contract for the trial period.”

“Of course. We’ve already given Curt the paperwork. We’ll be glad to help draw up something different of necessary. Something that is more agreeable to your terms.”

Justin frowned. He hated surprises. So why the hell hadn’t Curt shown it to him? At least mentioned this job opportunity in passing? He didn’t freaking get it.

They all said a few banalities and then the meeting was over, the suits escorting Justin and Curt out of their offices. The second the elevator door closed Justin shot Curt an angry glare.

“I can’t believe you didn’t mention exactly what this meeting was about.”

“I thought you knew. Hell, I know you knew, Justin. I told you all about it last week.”

The look on Curt’s face was sincere. Justin’s brows wrinkled and he shook his head. Shit, did Curt really tell him? He wracked his brain, trying to remember when they last spoke.

Had he been so enraptured over Stephanie, he plain forgot what Curt told him? Something as big, as important as this job offer?

He found

it hard to believe but he’d been acting unusual ever since he’d first hooked up with her. Most of the time, he liked it.

This time, he didn’t like it at all.

“You interested? You want to do it?” Curt asked.

“Hell yes, I wanna do it.” The words spilled out and he wondered immediately what Stephanie would think. Would she be sad he was gone all the time?

The job would require a lot of traveling, tons of it. He’d be gone for weeks, a couple of months, through October.

The thought of being apart from Stephanie for that long made him hurt inside. Hell, he missed her now and he’d been gone for only a couple of days. First traveling for another short series of Miners away games and now he was in New York for the next couple of days with Curt.

“Are you up to it physically?” Curt watched him carefully.

Justin ignored the throbbing pain in his knee. A constant—and irritating—reminder. “Of course. I’m fine.”

“Right, that’s why you’ve been limping all morning. I don’t want you hurting yourself to do this job. Remember you had to retire because of that injury.”

“Like I could ever forget. It’s different out on the field. I’m not going to be running around, dodging balls, catching balls, sliding into base. I’m going to be standing on the sidelines asking stupid questions.”

And wishing he was the one out there playing.

Did he really want to do this? Yeah, the money was fantastic but would it hurt too much not being in the game? Would he just be torturing himself by hanging around and watching it all go down?

It almost hurt more to not be out there at all.

“Well let’s check out the contracts, look them over and decide from there. From what I got in the preliminary pages they sent me, they want you to start pretty soon.”

“I know,” Justin said grimly, rubbing the side of his jaw. “I’m not sure if I’m ready.”

“If you’re not ready you need to tell them. Though they’ll probably run off and find someone else to replace you like that.” Curt paused. “This is an ideal position for your situation, Justin. A fantastic opportunity doesn’t happen like this every day. Once you start this and if you’re good, you could be looking at a career that will last you many years.”

“You’re right. Fuck it, I am ready.” He really wished he had Stephanie with him right now. He’d like to discuss this with her, get her opinion. He liked hearing her take on things, it was unique. Certainly different from his own.

But she wasn’t here. And this wasn’t something he really should be discussing with her. She was, after all, just some woman he was mindlessly fucking. No more, no less.

Yeah right...

Chapter Thirteen

“You look gorgeous.”