Page 35 of Indulgent Pleasures

“You do know how to describe a blow job, Steph,” Caleb put in.

“Don’t call me that.” Stephanie glared at Caleb and his expression turned somber. She could barely tolerate Zoe calling her Steph. She’d probably punch Caleb in the face if he said it again.

“Well, anyway I talked with the powers that be and we’ve decided to do something different than originally planned.” Zoe rested her arms on the table, bracelets jangling, her gaze going from Stephanie to Caleb and then back to Stephanie. “We want to offer you both the column.”

Stephanie breathed deep but didn’t allow herself to get excited yet. There had to be some sort of condition for allowing the both of them this chance.

“And we want you to work on the columns together. A female perspective on sexual fantasy and the male perspective on fantasy, sexual preferences for the city’s young and single. You can research however way you see fit.” Zoe smiled.

The triumphant look on Caleb’s face said it all. He’d planned this, the bastard. He’d gotten to Zoe first, convinced her of his idea and the two of them had run with it.

She didn’t want to share her column with Caleb. She couldn’t stand the guy. And she definitely didn’t plan on conducting any so-called research with him, that was for sure.

“How often will the articles be published?” Stephanie asked coolly, trying to keep her composure.

“You’ll get a column with every issue so weekly. I don’t know if we’ll divide it up amongst the two of you each week or give you a byline every other week. We haven’t worked out all of the logistics yet.”

“This is so fucking fantastic Zoe, you don’t even know.” Caleb was beaming. The jerk. “Thank you. I can’t wait to get started.”

The look Caleb shot her said everything. Stephanie’s skin crawled. If he thought he was getting in her pants, he had another thing coming.

“Your articles will continue running as is. The column will be launched in approximately one month though it might take a little longer. I want to keep the same tone we have between the two of you because it’s working and I don’t want to screw with that. I think it’ll work even better once you both have the column officially. You’ll be a real nice bounce off of each other.” Zoe paused and studied the both of them. “Are we good?”

“Hell, yeah,” Caleb practically shouted.

Stephanie nodded. “There are a few more things I’d like to discuss but we can do that later. Privately.”

She should’ve cared less if Caleb knew her distast

e for working with him on this column. But she needed to let Zoe in on it and she really didn’t want to say anything in front of him.

“Of course.” Zoe stood and gathered up her things. “Let me know when you want to talk Steph. I’m all ears.”

“Later this afternoon?” Now was better than later.

Zoe nodded slowly. “Fine. Come by my office. I’ll be around.”

Stephanie and Caleb followed Zoe out of the board room, the both of them headed toward their cubicles. Stephanie refused to look at Caleb though she could hear his cheerful whistling and the occasional chuckle.

He seemed thrilled, beside himself with happiness over this new project.

All Stephanie could think of was how she could get out of it.

“Listen Stephanie, we can make this work, don’t worry.” Caleb leered at her as they both walked into their cubicles. “I know how to be gentle when I need to be.”

Stephanie went to the waist-high wall that separated them and jabbed a finger in Caleb’s direction. “Get it through your thick head, asshole. We’re not going to screw all in the name of this column, okay?”

“Whoa, whoa, no need for hostility.” He held his hands up in front of him in a defensive manner though with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Settle down, babe, I don’t want to get in a chick’s pants unless she’s willing.”

“Well then you’re never going to get in my pants because I’m never going to be willing. Get that through your thick skull.” She plopped down in her chair and pushed the hair off her forehead, staring blindly at her monitor.

“Saving it all for your subject matter? Mister-Hotter-Than-Fire? The one you gave that amazing blow job to?” Caleb paused, the look on his face darkening. “That article even turned me on.”

Eww. Not the visual she wanted to have. “Keep dreaming. He’s my boyfriend.”

“He’s your boyfriend, huh? I had no clue you had someone steady in your life. I thought this was all an experiment for your articles. He’s a lucky guy.”

Stephanie swallowed hard. She wished Justin was her boyfriend. She only said it to get Caleb off her back. She hadn’t seen Justin in nearly a week since he’d been out of town.