Page 34 of Indulgent Pleasures

“I’ll get you home before you have to be at work.” He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, loving the softness of her skin, the way she nestled so close to him. As if she belonged there.


Those types of thoughts scared the hell out of him.

“First, I want to sleep a little bit,” he finally said, studying her face, wondering exactly what it could be about her that he found so damn fascinating.

She was pretty. Sweet. Funny. Sexy as hell. He suddenly had a thing for freckles and the scent of her hair.

Yeah, she just did it for him. There was no other explanation.

“Me, too.” Her hand wandered, brushed against the stiff head of his dick and she giggled. “I don’t think all parts of you want to sleep though.”

“Ignore it,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’ll be all right.”

Stephanie rolled so she hovered over him, her slim hands pressed against his chest. “But he’ll be so lonely.”

“He’ll get over himself.” He couldn’t help but smile. The way this woman made him feel was amazing. Serious and fierce, ready to fuck her brains out one minute, laughing and joking with her the next. It was crazy.

“No, he won’t. He needs help.” She smiled and she started to move down until her head was just peeking above the covers. “I want to help him.”

And then she tossed the covers up over her head. She slid down his body, the brush of her breasts against his sensitized skin driving him crazy. When her hot mouth wrapped around the tip of his cock, he was a goner.

A complete and total goner.

Chapter Twelve

“Listen, I called you two into this meeting because I want to discuss the column with you both. Together.”

Zoe stared at Stephanie and Caleb from across the wide boardroom table, her streaked blonde hair curled and teased about her head in a wild pouf. It reminded Stephanie of a lion’s mane. Her skinny arms jangled with her every movement, she had at least three bracelets on each wrist and her big, peach-glossed lips were pursed, eyes narrowed as she contemplated them.

As if she was more than ready to get down to business.

Dread filled Stephanie’s stomach. With her luck, she was going to lose her chance to the obnoxious Caleb and that was so not going to sit well. She’d been mentally preparing herself for the possibility for the last couple of weeks. But the reality always far trumped the imagined moment.

She was afraid she might be sick.

“I loved your article about ladies on the prowl and the men who go after them.” Zoe pointed at Caleb and the beaming smile he flashed made Stephanie want to roll her eyes.

“Trust me there are plenty of ladies out there on the constant prowl. I could write endless articles about that subject alone,” Caleb said, sending Stephanie a smug little smirk.

Gag. Could he suck up to Zoe any worse?

Yeah, he could but hell if she wanted to witness that.

“I’m sure.” Zoe smiled, scanning the notepad in front of her. “I also liked your article about the cougar theory. Despite the term being around for a while, it still titillates. We got a lot of mail response on that one.”

Yes, because he was so rude in his descriptions of the women, making them sound old, pitiful and needy. It seemed every article he wrote only confirmed her suspicions of what an asshole Caleb could be.

Caleb laughed and slapped his thigh. “I got a ton of hate mail on that one.”

The withering smile Zoe shot him made Stephanie want to giggle.

“Steph, I’m loving your articles so much. Not only are they hot and sexy but they’re rather romantic as well. Your fan letters are increasing with every article that comes out. Good job.”

Stephanie felt her cheeks heat. Romantic? She hadn’t been going for romantic. She thought she’d been on the hot and sexy track. Maybe not.

“The oral sex article garnered a particular amount of interest, especially amongst the male readers. We conducted an informal, on the street poll and found out most of the men who were questioned are desperate to meet you.” Zoe arched a perfectly groomed brow and Stephanie wondered if her cheeks were as red as the sweater she wore.