He’d given kids some secret thought. More than once he’d imagined Chloe lush and glowing, her belly full with his child.

Yeah, that had him feeling all possessive and shivery. But he wanted Chloe to himself for a little bit before they started making babies.

His mother visibly relaxed. “Oh. Well, not that it would be a bad thing. I love grandbabies; every one of them is a blessing and I’m sure the two of you would make beautiful ones together. Don’t you think, Jim?” She nudged her husband in the ribs, making him grunt.

“Aren’t you jumping the gun a little bit, Lydia? The kids are still only dating, after all.”

“See, that’s the thing.” Cam gripped Chloe’s left hand, holding it out so they could see the glittering diamond and platinum band that circled her ring finger. “She’s not jumping the gun. We’re married.”

His parents gaped at them, his mom’s mouth hanging open for long, agonizing seconds before finally his dad stood, sputtering as he approached them. “When did this happen?” he asked as he engulfed Chloe in a big hug.

“Last weekend,” Chloe admitted when she withdrew from his embrace. Tears streaked her cheeks as she looked at Lydia. “You’re not mad, are you?”

Tears glittered in his mother’s eyes and she furiously shook her head. “Mad? Why would I be mad? I gained another daughter who makes my son happier than I’ve ever seen him.”

Cam smiled, hugged his dad, then yelped when his mom pinched his ear before drawing him into her arms. “Rotten boy, running off with her alone and not giving her a proper wedding.”

“She wanted to run away.” He rubbed his ear.

“It was my idea,” Chloe admitted with a shaky smile, wiping her tears away. “I figured it was the only way I could get him to make it legal.”

“Seriously?” He turned to his wife, surprised at her admission.

She shrugged those pretty shoulders, the ones he always liked to kiss when they were bare and gleaming smooth in the light. Like the night he made her his in the most legal sense, when she wore that white, sleek strapless gown that had brought tears to his eyes when he saw her in it for the first time.

Yeah, he’d cried when he married her. Yet another reason he was glad no family was around to witness that particular moment.

“You don’t like to be pressured, Cam,” she said softly, her smile sweet. “I figured a big wedding might send you into panic mode.”

“She understands you,” his mother said with a nod of approval.

“She definitely does,” he said, his gaze meeting Chloe’s. “She also knows I hate it when she cries.”

“I’m not crying anymore,” she protested.

“She deserves a party.” His mom smiled, crossed her arms in front of her. “Chloe dear, don’t you want a party?”

“I don’t want to take away from your party,” Chloe said, glancing around, afraid someone might overhear. “This is your night to celebrate.”

“Nonsense. Let’s go grab that DJ’s mic and make your announcement.” His dad looked pointedly at him and Cam had no choice but to follow.


He turned to see Chloe standing there, still looking nervous. “You don’t mind telling everyone, do you?”

“Baby. Just because I ran off and married you in the middle of the night doesn’t mean I want to keep this a secret forever.” He grabbed her, hauled her into his arms, and kissed her so soundly she clutched his shoulders for support. “I love you. And I want the entire damn town to know it.”

Chloe smiled, those tears appearing again, and Cameron gently wiped them away, his thumb lingering on her cheek. How she loved this man, her husband. She was the luckiest woman in the entire world.

And everyone seemed to be in agreement, because the surprised cheer that went up when her new father-in-law announced their marriage probably could’ve been heard clear across the lake. They were then embraced and congratulated by just about every single person in attendance, her mother standing at their side, since Chloe had been grabbed and brought to the front of the dance floor when the McKenzies had made the announcement.

It was when the dancing started that she and Cam had finally snuck out. His sisters and Ali had demanded a coffee meeting tomorrow morning, wanting all the details.

Not that Chloe would give them all the details, only the general

ones. Some moments were meant to be kept private. Like when Cameron first saw her before she walked down the aisle toward him. The little chapel they found in Lake Tahoe had been perfect, small and quaint, the glow of candles scattered throughout providing the only light. The ceremony simple, charged with emotion because not only had she cried, but so had he.