She offered him a tremulous smile. “I love you, too.”

“And I want to be with you.” He kissed her, his lips lingering. “Always.”

Chloe blinked back tears and he groaned, feeling like a complete ass. “Aw, damn it, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

She laughed. “I’m crying because I’m happy.”

“Your tears do me in.” They were his absolute weakness. Nothing worse than knowing he was responsible for her grief. “Sad ones, happy ones, I can hardly stand to see them.”

“My sensitive, romantic Cam.” She kissed him and he drowned in her, her sweet taste hot and wet on his tongue. “Proving that you are a big ol’ softie after all, aren’t you?”

She’d called him that the night of her car accident, at The Tree. “When it comes to you, I guess I am.”

He didn’t give her a chance to say anything more, too busy kissing her senseless and reminding her of just how much he needed her.


Chapter Fifteen

The entire McKenzie family was in attendance this evening, even Patrick and his family, who were in town for the celebration. It was a special night—James and Lydia McKenzie were celebrating forty years of wedded bliss together.

It reminded Cam of a night not that long ago, when the family had gathered to celebrate Jane and Chris’s wedding. It was being held at the same reception hall and mostly the same crowd was in attendance.

Which meant pretty much the whole town.

Cam walked through the crowd holding Chloe’s hand, desperate to get out of there. Just because he was happy to be back didn’t mean he never suffered those moments of complete suffocation that came with being in this town for a prolonged period.

Meaning, he was having a suffocating moment at this very minute and wished he could take Chloe home, where he could have her all to himself.

“When are we going to tell them?” Her eyes wide, she licked her lips nervously.

“Soon. Now, if you want.” He squeezed her hand for reassurance. She was nervous. And he couldn’t blame her.

She nodded, pursed her lips to exhale loudly. “Let’s do it. I hope they’ll be happy.”

“Happy? God, Chloe.” He drew her into his arms, kissed her to ease all that anxiety pouring off her. “Mom’s going to be beyond thrilled. So is my dad. The entire family will be, even Mac,” he said grudgingly. “Jane and Mindy will probably wet their pants.”

Chloe made a face. “Gross.”

He laughed, yanked on her hand so she had no choice but to follow him.

“Cam.” Chloe whispered his name just before they got to the table.


She smiled. “I love you.”

Unable to resist, he kissed her. “I love you, too, babe.”

“You two are so sweet,” his mom said as they approached the table. “Makes me happy to see you together.”

“I agree,” his dad said with a nod.

Cam cleared his throat. For all his bravado, he was nervous. This was a big deal. Like the biggest deal of his life. “Mom, Dad, we have something to tell you.”

Both their faces fell, his mom literally gripping the edge of the table as if she needed the support. “You’re going to have a baby, aren’t you?”

“What? No.” Cam shook his head, laughing shakily. “No babies.” Yet.