“Yes, Kendall?” The little girl had taken a liking to Chloe since the first day of school and she felt rather protective of her.

“There’s a man who keeps staring at you.” Kendall kept her gaze on Chloe, pointing her finger over her shoulder. “He’s standing in front of the office.”

Frowning, Chloe glanced up, her gaze searching. The place was packed, parents and students and teachers everywhere. Kids yelling and laughing, parents chatting with each other, the sort of chaos only brought by a Friday afternoon. A soccer game was starting soon, the parking lot was packed, and there were so many people milling about.

“I don’t see anyone.” Chloe smiled down at Kendall.

Kendall screwed up her face, scanning the front quad with an assessing eye. “Right there!” She pointed, her voice full of glee. “He’s still looking at you, Miss Dawson.”

Chloe followed where Kendall pointed, her heart lodging in her throat when she saw him.

Cameron leaned against the brick front of the school, his hands in the front pockets of his dark jeans, wearing a charcoal gray pullover sweatshirt and a faint crooked smile. His gaze locked upon her, he pushed away from the building, and started toward her.

And all she could do was stand there and gape at him in disbelief.

“He’s coming right for you, Miss Dawson!” Kendall shook Chloe’s hand, getting her attention. “Do you know him?”

Chloe nodded, her eyes never leaving him. He looked amazing. Tall and broad and handsome, his eyes never leaving her either as he approached, that crooked smile still curving his beautiful mouth. The breeze blew his overly long golden brown hair across his forehead, giving him a boyish air she found desperately appealing. “Yes, I know him.”

He stopped a few feet away from her. Had to, since she’d come to a complete stop and was surrounded by children. “Hey.”

She loved those easy heys he always offered her in greeting. “Hi. What are you doing here?”

“I’m home,” he said simply, his choice of words thrilling her completely. “And you look busy.” He flicked his chin, indicating her students.

Who had all grown very still, every single one of them watching Cameron, then looking at their teacher with confusion in their eyes.

“I have bus duty.” Oh, she felt silly, inept. She should’ve rushed to him, kissed him by now, but the kids were tangled around her like twelve puppies on different leashes, every single one of them twisted around one another. “Um, can you give me a minute?”

Chuckling, he stepped back, offering her pack a bit more space. “By all means.”

“Omigod,” she whispered under her breath, her heart racing. “Come on, let’s get on the bus!” She herded the children toward the two waiting buses as quickly as she could, corralling the rest of the kids who needed her assistance. All the while she sensed his presence, felt his eyes on her as if he physically touched her.

“Let me take over.” Ali appeared out of nowhere, a helpful smile on her face.

“What? Oh Ali, what about your students?” She guided another little one onto the bus, smiling tremulously at Candy, the bus-driver-slash-librarian.

“They’re all where they need to be. And I think you might have other plans?” Ali tilted her head in Cam’s direction. “Go to him, Chloe. He looks like he’s dying to touch you.”

Chloe hugged her friend. “Thank you,” she whispered as she pulled away.

Turning, she faced Cam, inhaling deeply for strength. Nerves clamored in her belly as she approached him, dissipating slowly as she saw the way his gaze lit with unmistakable joy.

“Hey.” She stopped directly in front of him, so close she could smell him, feel his body heat radiating toward her. “You didn’t tell me you were coming home.”

“I wanted it to be a surprise.” He held out his arms. “Surprise.”

Glancing around, she saw fellow teachers watching them, more than a few parents, too. Most of them long-time Lone Pine Lake residents, who no doubt knew bits of her and Cameron’s story. They were probably just as surprised as she was at his return.

“Definitely a surprise.” She wanted to hug him. Kiss him with all the unrestrained passion and happiness she felt bubbling up inside her, but she couldn’t do it here. In front of everyone.

What would they think?

Cam snagged her hand, not giving her a moment to think. One minute she was standing there and the next she was in his arms, his mouth sealed over hers, his hand cupping the side of her face. It was a quick kiss, nothing scandalous about it, but it was full of so much tempered passion that when he finally released her, her head was a little woozy.

She stumbled, Cam reaching out to steady her, and she laughed. “I need to go back to my classroom and lock up.”

“Let’s go.” With a smile, he eagerly took her hand and pulled her in for another quick kiss. “I can’t wait to get you alone,” he murmured.