Her heart fluttered. She couldn’t wait, either

The moment he pulled into her driveway, they both eagerly leapt out of the car like little kids. He chased her to the front door, chuckling when she could hardly slip the key into the lock, and when they finally burst into the house, he pushed her against the closed door and kissed her for long, delicious moments.

She felt so good in his arms. Her curves pressed against him, her arms wound around him tightly. She slipped her hand across his cheek, murmured against his mouth, “I miss all your scruff.”

“I’ll grow it back just for you.” He kissed her again. Hot, wet, deep. Plenty of tongue. Until she was clawing at the front of his sweatshirt and he was pushing the thin sweater from her shoulders. Revealing that her dress was sleeveless, a pretty little red and white floral print with delicate lace decorating the neck, the quintessential dress designed to appear demure but really drove him crazy with lust.

He couldn’t wait to get her out of it.

Cam did get her out of it. Pushing her into the bedroom, he undressed her, undressed himself, and had his way with her far too quickly. But she didn’t complain and neither did he, the two of them too eager for each other to linger.

“You have any plans this weekend?” he asked hours later, long after the sun went down and the only light illuminating her bedroom was the bedside lamp on its lowest setting.

She slowly shook her head, tracing her fingers over his chest. “Well, I was supposed to meet Ali for lunch, but I’m sure she’ll understand when I don’t call her.”

“Perfect.” He kissed her forehead. “We’re not leaving this bed. And we’re going to remain naked for the next forty-eight hours.”

“Cam,” she admonished, glancing up at him. “What about your family?”

He shrugged. “If they’re lucky, we’ll go to my parents’ house for an hour. But that’s it.”

“Your parents will want to see you.” She played with his chest hair and he closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her hands on him. “I’m sure they’ve missed you.”

“I never come home. They’re more used to me not being around,” he murmured, keeping his eyes closed.

“Your mom liked having you here this summer.”

He pulled away from her so he could look into her face. “When did you talk to my mom?”

“We’ve met for lunch a few times.” Chloe looked away, seemingly embarrassed. “We talk about you.”

In the past, that sort of admission would’ve made him horrifically uncomfortable. Now, he was pleased that his mom and his…girlfriend got along.

Cam swallowed hard. Girlfriend. That had a strange ring to it, almost not significant enough, what with the way he felt about her. She was so much more to him…

“How long are you here for, Cam?” she asked when he didn’t say anything.

He trailed his fingers down her soft cheek. “I don’t know.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, I don’t have any immediate plans.” He gathered her close, needing her near. Even with a few inches parting them, he couldn’t stand it. “I thought I would stay here for a while.”


“I’d like to stay with you, if I could,” he said, nerves jumping like fish in his gut. “I know your place is small but I really don’t want to go back to that cavernous house Patrick owns. It’s too much.” And he didn’t want to be away from her.

“You want to corrupt the town princess?” She smiled, reminding him what he used to call her.

“Hmm, I want to make the town princess all mine,” he whispered, sliding over her so he had her pinned beneath him. “If sh

e’ll have me.”

“What are you saying, Cam?” she asked breathlessly, her entire body trembling.

What was he saying? He couldn’t stand the thought of them apart. She belonged to him whether she realized it or not. “I’m saying that I love you,” he admitted.