Christ. He grimaced. Already the word was out—guess nothing was a secret in this town. With the exception of their shared kiss last night…hopefully. “If all goes as planned, I’ll stay through the summer.” Really, he had no plan.

“Oh.” Her eyes widened the slightest bit. “But it’s only June.”


“That means you’ll stay…a few months?”

He shrugged. “I suppose so.”

“Wow.” She tore her gaze from his, drew her finger across the condensation that had formed on the table from her mug. “I’m surprised.”


“Since you moved away, you only come back for, like, a day or two at the most.” Her cheeks colored the slightest bit. “Not that I noticed.”

So she noticed. One part of him liked it, the other part wanted to run like hell. This woman liked him and he wasn’t worth her interest. She’d had a crush on him when he was a teen and he was starting to realize not much had changed.

Which meant he needed to hightail his ass outta there. At least end the conversation and pretend he wanted to go shoot some pool.

But he didn’t move.

Indulging with her would be fun, but a waste of their time. He’d leave, she’d cry, and his family would probably end up hating him for breaking the hometown princess’s heart.

No, thank you.

“I needed a break,” he said.

“Ah, a vacation, then.” Her lips curved the slightest bit, reminding him of how they felt on his. Soft and sweet and…

“No vacation. I don’t have a job to go back to.” Why the hell had he admitted that? He shouldn’t be talking to her. Spending time with Chloe most likely gave her hope that something might happen between them. Again.

But here he was, confessing his secrets when he hadn’t told anyone he’d quit his job. And quit was a mild way of putting it. He should’ve been fired, but he beat them to it. Sent his resignation letter via e-mail and that was that.

No more job. No more purpose. No more…anything.

She looked at him, really looked at him, her eyes seeming to see right through him. Her expression was one of complete understanding, though really, she didn’t have a clue. “I had no idea. Jeez. The way I talked to you last night…going on about how satisfying your career must be. I’m an idiot.” Closing her eyes briefly, she offered a self-deprecating laugh.

“Not your fault,” he said when her gaze met his once more. “No one else knows.”

Chloe’s lips parted, her delicate brows scrunched with confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I haven’t told anyone else.” He glanced around, noticed no one paid them any mind. “Except you.”

“Oh.” She sat up straighter, turning her upper body toward him and resting her hand on his arm. “Well, don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell anyone.”

He’d heard that before. And it had been a lie too. He ignored the sparks of electricity crackling along his skin where she touched him and withdrew from her. “There are no secrets in this town.”

She made a little face, wrinkling her nose. Damn, she was cute. And he needed to stop thinking like that. “You’re so right.” She sounded amused because, hell, he was right. “But I swear, you can trust me.”

He studied her. All her wholesome, delicious goodness shone through in that blinding smile, those pretty velvety brown eyes. He’d acted like a dick toward her last night and still she said he could trust her.

Huh. Wouldn’t be the first woman to say such a thing and then rat him out. The ones he’d dealt with in his past were a vengeful bunch. It would do him well to remember that.

“Really?” The skepticism in his voice was blatant.

It bypassed her completely. She settled her hand on his arm again, those soft, delicate fingers stroking his skin and his groin twitched in reaction. “When did you turn into such a Lone Pine Lake hater, hmm? You spent the first eighteen years of your life here.”

“That was the first indication I needed to leave.” His voice was stiff, his body tight. She leaned in closer, the scent of her filling his head, clouding his judgment.