Cam arched a brow. “What, but I can flirt with Chloe?”

“Not her either. You’re an insensitive asshole. Save it for some tourist who’s looking for a good time quickie. Hey chicas.” Mac’s gaze focused over Cam’s shoulder, his smile brighter than the neon beer sign hanging on the wall above their table. “Get your asses over here and grab a beer.”

Cam kept his gaze locked on the mug in front of him, unsure of how to greet Chloe. Would she be clingy? Demand an explanation for what last night’s kiss meant? Or would she act like the typical psycho woman, ignoring him one moment and ranting at him the next?

He frowned. His worry proved he dealt with nothing but crazy women most of the time. And he pretty much knew for a fact Chloe wasn’t crazy.

“Hi, Cam.” Her soft voice washed over him, sending tingles scattering across his skin. She sat next to him, leaning over to grab an empty mug before reaching for the pitcher.

He grabbed it for her, poured her a glass that was half foam. “Hey.” He still

hadn’t looked at her, but damn, he could feel her. Warm and feminine, her tantalizing scent a tease to his senses.

“Thank you,” she murmured and he finally risked glancing her way.

Big mistake. She was extra pretty tonight, even more so without the bridesmaid finery and in her natural state. Her dark brown hair fell past her shoulders in loose waves and she wore a simple pink tank top that accentuated her golden skin, the ample curve of her breasts.

He tried not to let his eyes bug out of his head. But damn, Chloe Dawson was stacked.

“Alison Sullivan, this is my brother Cameron.” Mac introduced the cute blonde who sat to his right. She was tall, with pin straight hair and a sleek figure, startling blue eyes and a pleasant smile.

Pretty. But she had nothing on Chloe.

“Nice to meet you.” Cam nodded in her direction.

“Likewise. And call me Ali.” She laughed when Mac poured her a mug and the foamy head overflowed, spilling onto the table. “Nice one, McKenzie.”

Cam rolled his eyes and Chloe leapt to her feet, headed toward the counter. “I’ll grab a rag.”

Glancing over his shoulder, Cam watched Chloe hurry to the bar, her swishing backside drawing his attention. She wore a short skirt that showed off a mighty fine set of legs. She looked good enough to eat.

“Did you guys order dinner?” Ali asked, clearly making conversation to fill the silence.

“Yeah, we were tired of eating reception food,” Mac answered with a grimace. “Mom and Dad packed up all that leftover food and brought it home. Mom probably would’ve served it for breakfast if she knew we wouldn’t protest.”

Ali mock frowned. “Poor baby, living on leftovers of delicious food. So I gather you ordered burgers?”

“The special,” Cam answered as Chloe returned. She tossed the rag to Mac, who wiped up the mess in seconds.

“Are you talking about the hamburger special? I think I want one. I’m starving,” Chloe said as she settled into the chair next to him.

“I already ate.” Ali wrinkled her nose. “You sure you want a giant, messy burger tonight, Chloe?” she asked pointedly.

Chloe waved a dismissive hand. “I can’t pass up one from The Tree. So what if my butt gets big? I’ll just walk a few extra laps on the lake trail next time.” She grinned and Cam’s heart stuttered.

All these years when he thought of Chloe, he remembered the girl who played with his little sister. The awkward preteen who followed him around and sent him moony glances when he was supposedly not looking. Back then, he found her a pain. But now…

Her butt was perfect to him. And he liked that she didn’t care they were going to witness her eating a messy hamburger and a vat of fries. Most of the women he knew were too thin and definitely didn’t like eating in front of him—or anyone.

Not Chloe. She was so easygoing in her element. Her smiles came frequently, she laughed and joked with the waitress as she made her dinner order, offered her fries to her friend, and guzzled her mug of beer before he’d finished his.

Clearly, she was in a good mood. And he appreciated the hell out of it.

Once they demolished their dinner plates, Mac and Ali went to play a round of pool along with a few other friends of Mac’s who’d just shown up, leaving Chloe and Cameron at the table.


She picked a fry off her plate as if she couldn’t resist, dragged it through the ketchup before popping it into her mouth. He watched in utter fascination, hoping like hell he wasn’t too obvious. “So I hear you’re staying in town for a few weeks,” she said.