His lips brushed hers, gently, sweetly; then he lifted a few inches. “I shot off at the mouth. I’m the one who should be apologizing. You were just guarding your heart.”

“You know, I’m glad Dad called. It forced me to realize how completely shallow the man is. How shallow he is compared to you. You’re one hundred times the man he ever was.”

“I pity him, to be honest,” Reilly said without a hint of remorse. “He lost two

terrific daughters. One of them just happens to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know what I must look like right now, and beautiful isn’t a word I’d use to describe it.”

“You are the stunningly gorgeous mother of my children,” he reiterated, his deep voice sliding over her skin like velvet. “And you belong to me. Always.”

Reilly pressed his lips to hers and kissed her with such warmth and tenderness that Lucy’s eyes welled with tears. She’d been swept away with passion by Reilly’s kisses, but this time his love washed over her, and Lucy absorbed every ounce of it. He brushed gentle pecks to her forehead and cheeks before he straightened. “I’m so damn glad you came to the grand reopening of the restaurant.”

“Me too,” she rushed out as she cupped his cheek. “And I have two healthy babies now who look very much like their father.”

Reilly puffed up with pride. “Have you thought of names for them?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking, and nothing really feels right.”

He chuckled. “And we have two to decide on, not just one.”

Her eyes widened. “Exactly. I was nervous about being a mother before. Now I’m twice as nervous.”

“Earlier, when Mom was pacing the halls, she suggested we name one of them after Dad and the other after our granddad. Chet and Cameron. What do you think?”

“Chet and Cameron,” she said, trying it out. “Yeah, I like those. They’re strong and trustworthy, like their father.”

He kissed her on the forehead and murmured, “Mom’s going to be over the moon when she finds out.”

“I’m over the moon right now,” she replied, feeling another sappy moment coming on. “I love you, Reilly Jennings.”

“I love you, Lucy Rice.” A noise outside the room caught their attention. Reilly glanced toward the door. “I’d better go let the Jennings bunch in before they break down the door.”

In a few long strides, he left the room, and Lucy let out a contented sigh. How had she ever lived without him? He was the best sort of man there was. Kind. Gentle. Loyal. Her life with him would not always be easy. She would certainly butt heads with him at every turn. Still, even their arguments were fraught with heat and passion. Every time Reilly looked at her with that ornery smile or touched her with his strong, gentle hands, it lit her body on fire and made her feel alive. That he was the father of her babies made her the luckiest woman alive. A wonderful man to love and two perfect babies—it made a woman want to cry a veritable river of happy tears. She only wished her mom were there to share in her joy.

When Reilly came back through the door with Wanda, Sam, River, Brodix and Sarah in tow, Lucy forgot her maudlin thoughts. Their smiling faces sent a rush of warmth through her. She had so much to be thankful for, she wouldn’t ruin the happy moment wishing for things that couldn’t be.

Sarah sprinted to her side and leaned down to hug her. “I’m so happy for you. Twins, that’s so fantastic!”

“And a little scary,” she admitted as she thought of all the diapers and food and double…everything. “But they’re healthy, and that’s all that matters.”

Wanda moved to the other side of the bed and patted her hand. “It’s a lot to take in, dear, but it’ll be okay.” She winked. “Besides, you’re going to have lots of help, I promise you.”

Oh God, there went the tears again. “T-thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you all.”

Reilly moved to stand next to Sarah. “I looked in on them real quick. They’re doing great.” He grinned from ear to ear. “The nurse on call said they both have a healthy set of lungs.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “I want to see them.” She held up her arms and confessed, “I feel empty without them.” Lucy wondered how on earth she would manage to go back to work. The idea of leaving them nearly sent her into a panic.

Suddenly, Jeanette breezed into the room. She wore a red skirt that hit just above the knees and a short-sleeved white blouse. Her long, shiny, dark hair fell down past her shoulders. Lucy barely recognized her as the same woman who’d shown up at Reilly’s house all those months ago in a baggy sweatshirt and jeans. She was a beautiful, confident, young woman, and Lucy became acutely aware of her blotchy cheeks and extra pounds.

Jeanette grinned and pulled a bouquet of wildflowers from behind her back. “Congrats!” she said as she held them out to her. “Vance and Shayla are on their way to see you too, by the way.”

Lucy took the flowers and placed them on the little end table, then turned in time to see River moving up next to Jeanette. His gaze fixed on Jeannette in a way that had Lucy clearing her throat and quickly glancing away. When she spied Reilly staring at her, love shining in his eyes, Lucy thought back to the moment he’d proposed marriage to her. Did he still want to marry her? Only one way to find out.

“Reilly, I know this isn’t really the time, but I don’t want to wait.”

He moved closer and took her hand in his, squeezing gently. “What is it, sweetheart?”