She looked around at everyone and asked, “Would you all mind if Reilly and I had a moment alone?”

Wanda’s lips curved upward, and her eyes warmed. “Of course, dear, take all the time you need.”

“Thank you,” Lucy replied. After they’d all filed out, Lucy turned her attention to Reilly. “I love you with all my heart.” Her voice turned ragged with emotion. “I can’t imagine my life without you.”

“I love you too,” he murmured as he lifted her hand and pressed his mouth to her knuckles.

Lucy took a deep breath and went for broke. “Reilly Jennings, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?”

He froze, and his eyes widened. “Seriously?”

She laughed at his obvious shock. “Of course, I’m serious. I love you, and you love me. We’re starting a family together.” She toyed with the sheet covering her, unaccountably nervous. “I figure it only makes sense.”

“I was all prepared to ask you again after you’d had a chance to recuperate.” He chuckled. “You beat me to it.”

She grinned. “So…that’s a yes?”

“Hell, yes,” he growled as he kissed her, hard. It was quick and fleeting, but the heat of it left her scorched all the same. “Jesus, I love you,” he groaned before darting across the room to let the rest of the family in on the good news. Everyone congratulated them, and there were a lot of watery eyes.

Wanda had tears streaming down her cheeks when she took Lucy’s hand and squeezed it. “Welcome to the family.”

“T-thank you,” Lucy stammered out. Not so long ago, Lucy had wallowed in self-pity over her broken marriage to David, all but ready to give up on love. Now she had an entire family to love and cherish. “I’m very lucky,” she said softly.

Everyone grew silent and stared at her, affection shining in their eyes. Reilly leaned over, kissed her lips gently and murmured, “We’re the lucky ones, sweetheart.”

River broke the enchanted spell when he stepped up, kissed her on the cheek and declared, “I’m definitely going to be their favorite uncle.”

Everyone started arguing at once, and Lucy laughed.

A family, wow. She couldn’t wait to tell Annabelle. Heck, maybe there could be a double wedding! Either way, she could hardly wait to start her life with the most wonderful man in the world.