How did I feel about them?

“I don’t know very much about them. Micah runs an outdoor adventure company and Colt, while he works here at Hawk’s Landing, has land he wants to turn into his own ranch.”


“You mean are they married?” I asked.

She sighed. “No. I mean, parents, siblings.”

“One set lives here, the other moved to Arizona. Still married, from what they’ve said.”

“So they have jobs, don’t live in their parents’ basements. They kept you safe in a dangerous storm and kept you very warm last night.”

“I don’t know if they have food allergies or if they leave the seat up on the toilet. I have no idea if they have a gambling addiction or if one of them has a houseful of parakeets.”


“You know what I mean. I know nothing about them.”

“While I knew Gabe didn’t have any tropical birds in his house, I wasn’t aware he drank OJ out of the carton until we were engaged and I hadn’t even realized he shaved his balls until I walked in on him in the shower two days ago.”

I was lifting my shirt over my head when she said the last and I stopped, horrifically imagining Gabe shaving his balls, and I got tangled.

When I put the phone back to my ear, I had to yell. “Ann Marie, I told you. TMI!”

“Sorry, but you get the idea.”

“I got the idea without knowing about Gabe’s balls.”

“So how do you feel about them? Your cowboys, not Gabe’s balls.”

I glanced down, saw the hickey on the upper swell of my right breast. I didn’t remember when I got it exactly, but I did remember the very serious, very thorough attention Micah gave my breasts.

“I like them. They like me. The real me. They know what I do, I told them, but they know nothing about the show and didn’t seem to care I was famous.”

“Honey, from what it sounds like, you could have told them you were a parakeet breeder and they wouldn’t have minded.”

“That’s my point. They want to be with me. It was the first time in…well, forever, that I didn’t have to be “on.” I didn’t have to pretend or act. And they’re nothing like the guys I know in LA. They’re real. Honest. It’s…easy.”

“That’s when you know it’s the real thing.”

“What? Easy?”

“Yes. It just is.” Her voice had changed from squealing madwoman to tender-hearted sister. “Now what?”

“Now I hustle to take a shower and go to a barbecue with them.”

“Okay, I’ll let you go, but I want to hear more about this Bridgewater thing. I’ll have Gabe look into it.”

I groaned, then laughed. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Have fun—use condoms!”

I hung up, tossed my phone on the bed, smiling. I couldn’t help it. I had two men who were interested in me. Not just one. Two. It felt really good. Not love good, but amazing. I would go with it. See where this thing went. Worst case, I’d be leaving in a few days with an amazing fling to remember. Best case…well, that was still undecided.

