“They never used the “L” word,” I told her. “But no guy uses the “F” word either if they don’t mean it.”

“They don’t swear?”

It felt good to laugh. “No, not that “F” word. I meant forever. No guy would say they wanted forever if they didn’t mean it. I mean, if they wanted to keep having sex with me, they could have said we’d have fun the rest of my vacation. A clear end date. But no. They didn’t give themselves that out.”


“I was the one who’d said I only wanted one night.”

“You did?” she asked. “Hang on.” I heard her hand go over the phone, her voice muffled for a minute. “Gabe says he wants to meet them. Do not marry them until he does a background check on them.”

I stood, went to the window and looked out at the creek. It was running a little higher than it had the day before, but the storm had dropped a lot of rain.

“He’s the one who eloped with you,” I reminded her. “He might run a high-tech company, but he is not looking into Colt and Micah.”

“Colt and Micah,” she repeated, but I knew she was telling Gabe. “She hasn’t said her last names. No, she’ll kill me. Yes, they work for the guest ranch.”

“Ann Marie,” I groaned.

“Let him do his thing. He’s your brother now and is protective of you, too,” she countered, then whispered. “Good, he’s gone off to play golf. Now tell me about the sex.”

Talking to her was like a bad case of whiplash.


“I tell you about my sex life,” she grumbled when I didn’t say more.

“No, you don’t. And please, don’t start now.” I loved Gabe, but I didn’t want to know about what he and my sister did together. It was one thing when we were younger and dated a bunch of different guys, but I had to get together with Gabe for the rest of my life.

“Fine. But you have to at least tell me what it’s like being with two guys at once. It’s not every day a woman gets two cowboys.”

I went into the bathroom, stood before the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a little bedraggled, my hair a wild tangle. First, it had gotten wet in the storm, then it dried while I’d napped, then a night of sex, then a sexy dip in the lake. My on-set hairstylist would keel over, but I had to grin. I had I’ve-just-been-well-fucked hair.

“I didn’t have two at once,” I admitted.

“You mean—” She cleared her throat. “You didn’t use the lube?”

I remembered being bent over the porch railing, the drizzle of lube and the play of Colt’s fingers. Micah’s thumb as he fucked me.

“We used the lube, but not for what you’re thinking. At least not yet. They said I needed to be prepared first. It was just play.”

“Oh my god.” She said it a few more times. We were back to that again. I sighed, but it felt good for her to be okay with what I’d done. I shouldn’t need validation, but a girl needed her sister sometimes.

“You know what this means?” she asked, once she pulled herself together.

“That I’ve got anal sex in my future?”

“That, but it means forever.”

I sat down on the lip of the claw foot tub. “How does lube mean forever? They could just want to double team me and put notches in their headboards.”

“True, but not with these two. They’re not players. They’re honest-to-God, real life, honorable cowboys.”

“Who like to fuck,” I added. “A lot.”

“Even better. You’ve told me what they want. How do you feel about them?”

I stood, tucked the phone between my cheek and my shoulder and worked off my socks and jeans. I had to multi-task here if I was going to be ready for Micah and Colt in the hour window they’d given me. The idea of a spanking had my nipples hardening, but I needed a breather. I was a little sore. It was their intensity, though, that had me wanting a little break from sexy times. I had to figure out what I wanted from them. Ann Marie’s question was timely.