She didn’t appear to be suffering, though. Her eyes were shut and she was in a dreamy place. I couldn’t tell from here if she was wet, but I had a feeling Jasper’s camera would be catching a close-up of the answer to that particular question.

She was a glowing bright red by the time Trix finished, a minute and a half later.

‘Thank you, ma’am,’ she said, in a low, sensual voice, sounding as if sh

e meant it.

Trix told her to stay there while she fetched something else – the collar and leash. She attached Rosie to it and took her for ‘walkies’, making her jiggle around the room until they reached the centre again.

Rosie stood and was made to take off her apron, revealing her breasts. Her nipples were already stiff and red, but Trix insisted on making them even more so with the antique nipple clamps.

‘Now,’ she said, after fixing the second of them to a wincing, eye-rolling Rosie. ‘Keep those on and go to prepare to meet your master. He will be here very soon.’

The scene ended with Rosie crawling out of shot, the leash dragging along the floor behind her, whilst Trix sat back down and took a nonchalant sip of her champagne.

‘Nice,’ said Jasper, clapping his hands. ‘Rosie, that was terrific. Very naturalistic, but also very professional. I’d use you again. In fact, I’m about to. Break for half an hour to get changed and then we’re back.’

‘Do I have to keep these clamps on all that time?’ asked an aghast Rosie.

Jasper laughed.

‘I’ll leave that up to Dimitri,’ he said.

Dimitri shook his head.

‘Put them back for the scene, OK?’ he said, pulling Rosie to her feet and kissing her, the leash wrapped around one of his fists while his other hand strayed to explore how hot her bottom was.

I swallowed and looked away from them. God, they were hot together. I was half afraid of how I’d cope with their on-screen chemistry.

I went to pour myself a glass of the champagne. No point in letting it go flat.

‘Trix, are you sure you aren’t a domme in sub’s clothing?’ asked Jasper gallantly.

She raised her glass to him.

‘Here’s to acting,’ she said.

He joined me at the drinks cabinet.

‘How are you getting on, then?’ he asked softly, his chin on my shoulder. ‘That was pretty hot, hmm?’

‘Yes,’ I agreed, pouring him a glass.

‘And it’s only going to get hotter. Might need some more of that snow down your knickers.’


He chuckled and kissed me beneath my earlobe.

‘Fancy a quickie?’

‘Go away. I’m working.’

I was almost unbearably tempted to take him up on it though. Almost.

He patted my hip, took his drink and stood grinning at me, his eyes bright with lust and teasing.

‘Just because you’re too sore, don’t think you’re getting away with anything, madam,’ he said. ‘I’m watching you.’