‘Tell me. And a bit louder, please.’ That wasn’t in the script, but it was helpful, so Jasper let it pass.

‘You have found me a master, ma’am,’ she said, more distinctly this time.

‘That’s right. I have a man who is very interested in you. Naturally, I have told him that you are one of our best trainees, ready to submit to him in every way he wishes. I hope I told him right, Rosie.’

‘Oh, you did, ma’am.’

‘Let’s see, shall we? One last little test run before you have to face the real examination. Wine.’

She snapped her fingers and Rosie swivelled on her knees and began to crawl to the drinks cabinet. Jasper dealt with the tracking shot. I did a close-up on her bottom, which was pointing up to the ceiling, the tulle petticoats and stiff satin overskirt revealing all.

She straightened up and reached to pour a glass of champagne from an open bottle. She then moved very carefully, on her knees and taking great care not to spill a drop, back to Trix.

‘Ma’am,’ she said, handing it over.

‘An event worth celebrating,’ said Trix, sipping the bubbles. ‘He’s a very rich Russian gentleman, and he knows how to treat girls like you. What kind of girl are you, Rosie?’

‘A bad girl, ma’am.’

‘That’s right. A very bad girl. And what do bad girls like you need, Rosie?’

‘Strict discipline, ma’am.’

‘Very good. Quite right. Stand up. Let’s put you through your paces.’

Rosie stood up, keeping her head down and eyes to the ground.

‘Hands on head. Legs apart. Bend over.’

Rosie complied with each barked order. Standing pivoted at the waist with her bottom framed by her flouncy skirts and her pussy lips nude and parted between her thighs, she looked gorgeously decadent. She held the position well while Trix put down her glass, stood up and walked around her, slowly.

‘You’ll spend a lot of time bent over,’ she said, running a latex-gloved fingertip along the crease of Rosie’s bottom and thighs. ‘Get used to it.’ She cupped the back of one thigh in her black glossy palm, then smacked it lightly. ‘Oh, well held.’

Rosie had remained in perfect position. I was impressed. She and Dimitri must play a lot of scenes together; she was better disciplined than me. I suspected the shock of Trix’s touch would have sent me staggering forwards.

‘All fours,’ barked Trix, so suddenly that I made the camera judder.

Rosie completed the order, but clumsily. I knew this was in the script, but it looked so real, and felt so real, that I was rather in awe of her. For a second or two she was all flailing elbows and fussy frills, then she corrected herself into as elegant a posture as all fours can possibly be.

‘Oh, tut tut tut.’ Trix shook her head, smiling. ‘That wasn’t quite right, was it, my dear?’

‘So sorry, ma’am.’

‘You know what I have to do now, Rosie? And I shouldn’t have to remind you.’

‘Please punish me for my lapse, ma’am.’

‘Indeed I will. And you get extra strokes for being tardy in making your request.’

Trix picked up the flogger from the occasional table on which the toys were displayed. Her tight dress caught every beam of light, making her glint and flash as she crossed the room.

She stood by Rosie’s hips, trailing the soft leather thongs over Rosie’s upturned bottom. I shut my eyes and bit my lip, savouring the moment of anticipation.

But I didn’t want to miss this stunning visual treat, so I refocused as quickly as I could on the two women, intent on punishment.

Trix knew how to flog. She knew how to mix teasing and tormenting, and she knew when to stop playing and start delivering a brisk red bum.

Rosie’s little gasps and sighs were lovely to hear. She was noisier than me, or me these days – I’d been noisy enough at the start of my relationship with Jasper.