‘OK,’ she said, quite gratefully.

‘It’s important that we all feel comfortable,’ he said. ‘Scene two will be our Russian millionaire coming to inspect the new addition to his household. Madame Trix will show her off, put her through her paces. There may, if Rosie is happy, be some sexual contact here. And a spanking – a good, long, hard one, I think. What do you think, Rosie?’

Rosie just gulped and nodded, her lips pressed together. Dimitri put his arm around her and hugged her close.

‘It’s only me,’ he said. ‘You know me.’

‘Scene three,’ Jasper continued. ‘The final scene. Dimitri has whisked Rosie away to his dacha, and I am visiting Trix because I have had a very good offer for Rosie. When I find that Madame Trix has made a private arrangement with the Russian, I am not best pleased. All kinds of bad things happen to Madame’s bottom. Fin.’

Trix clapped. ‘Oh, I like it. I get the best of all possible worlds. And Dimitri and Rosie get their little scene too. When do we start?’

They all looked so enthused that I felt a little forlorn at being left out of the action. All the same … it was better this way. It was definitely better this way.

The remainder of breakfast was taken up with people’s suggestions for lines of dialogue and different actions. I kept out of it, standing to eat my toast by one of the worktops. It wasn’t as if I could participate anyway. My bottom was too sore. And that had been well worth it.

After breakfast, everyone went to sort out costumes, while Jasper set up the camera equipment in the drawing room. I helped him, listening to his lectures about how they worked and how to keep them focused and shake-free.

‘You are OK with this, aren’t you?’ he said, pausing to give me a shrewd look.

I shrugged. ‘I suppose I wasn’t really expecting it. I don’t know what I was expecting, but …’

‘It’s just a bit of fun, to keep us busy while we’re snowbound,’ he said. ‘Nobody’s going to stop or start loving anybody else.’

‘Oh, I didn’t think that!’

‘Good. Because I might play a scene with Trix, but you and I both know that I’ll be acting.’

‘I know.’

‘You’re sure you don’t want a part? No reason why Trix can’t have two trainees.’

‘No, no, it’s fine. I’m too sore anyway.’

‘Right.’ He kissed me, quickly at first, then pulling me closer for a longer, more smouldering version. His hand crept under my cashmere skirt and was drifting up my thigh when there was a cough from the doorway.

I tried to jump away but Jasper held on to me, keeping his hand positioned exactly where it had been, mere inches from my pussy.

‘Ah, our Madame Trix,’ he said.

‘Sorry to interrupt,’ she said, sounding anything but, her eyes travelling gloatingly over my figure. ‘I just wanted your opinion on what to wear. Smart business suit or fetish gear?’

She was wearing her bathrobe wrapped tightly around her, so we couldn’t see what was underneath.

‘Why not one of each?’ suggested Jasper. ‘Fetish gear for the first scene, business suit for when the Russian comes to call?’

‘Superb. I’ll do that. I’m going to go and advise Rosie now.’

‘There’s a huge collection of outfits in the little dressing room opposite our bedroom,’ Jasper called after her. ‘They fit Sarah, so I think Rosie would be OK in most of them.’

He turned his attention back to me, and by attention I mean wandering hands.

Kissed into breathlessness, fingered into wetness, I heard footsteps on the stairs again and hurriedly disengaged.

‘Jasper, no,’ I panted when he tried to grab me. ‘People.’

He shrugged and went to his cameras.

‘I can’t believe Rosie is doing this,’ I said, trying to smooth over the slight awkwardness.