‘Oh, my God!’ said Dimitri. ‘This is crazy.’

‘You don’t want to?’ She sounded crestfallen, almost tearful.

‘I don’t care. I am not a person who is ashamed of himself, or sex. Sex is great. I am great. Let’s make a movie.’

Jasper beamed, too charmed by Dimitri to even try to conceal it.

‘I want to work with you on all my projects,’ he said. ‘I don’t know why you aren’t a big star already.’

‘It’s because of my English,’ said Dimitri, failing to understand that the remark had been rhetorical. ‘I need still to make perfect.’

‘So are we all in?’ Jasper checked the room for nods of assent.

He got three.


‘Oh, I’m not sure.’

‘That’s OK. I think you’re probably out of action for a day or two at least, anyway.’ His grin was satanic. ‘You can help me behind the camera.’

‘Best boy grip?’ I said hopefully.

‘Something like that.’

‘Then you will not perform?’ Dimitri’s eyes went big and sad and even his moustache seemed to droop. I hated to disappoint him.

‘I don’t think I can,’ I said. ‘But I can’t wait to see what you all come up with.’

‘OK, how about this?’ said Jasper, taking charge in his characteristic manner. The toast popped up and I listened as I buttered. ‘Trix, you are a famous submissive who has turned to training newbies in your marvellous manorial house, not unlike this house here.’

‘It must be lucrative,’ commented Trix, removing the teabag from her cup and depositing it in the bin.

‘Yes – you are world famous, after all. All the nobility and oligarchy of Europe come to you to find little ornaments for their private castle dungeons.’

‘What a life. Yes, I think I like that.’

‘And you are, of course, their favourite sub. They would all collar you, if they could. But you are loyal and faithful to only one man, the man who owns the house and runs the business side of things, namely me.’

‘Ah, I see,’ she smiled.

My heart shrank, a little painfully. Surely Jasper was not going to play a sex scene with Trix? Surely not? I paused in my buttering, listening more carefully.

‘But I don’t come into it yet,’ he continued. ‘You have been training a lovely girl who looks a lot like Rosie.’

Rosie flinched, then sat up straighter, looking like the girl who wanted to get picked for prefect. She always was a teacher’s pet.

‘Rosie has been doing very well,’ Jasper said, twinkling at her. ‘In fact, so well that she is now ready to embark on her new life as a career submissive. There is a Russian gentleman who has been in correspondence with Madame Trix, and he is very interested in taking on her new graduate.’

He bent his head to Dimitri, who bowed in return.

‘So,’ proceeded Jasper. ‘Scene One. Madame Trix and Rosie. Madame is putting Rosie through her final examination in the arts of submission – Rosie must serve her without making any mistakes. I think she might make a trivial mistake of some sort – maybe she spills a drink or something – and Madame Trix gives her a few strokes of something light, perhaps a flogger or a leather paddle. She is sent to the corner to wait for the gentleman’s arrival. Does that sound good so far?’

‘I like it,’ said Trix.

Rosie just blushed. ‘What will I have to do?’ she ventured after a moment, having apparently lost her appetite for the porridge. ‘I mean, when I’m serving?’

‘Pouring drinks for Madame, taking off her shoes and giving her a foot rub, that kind of thing,’ said Jasper. ‘And I think we might include an element of undressing, or something that’s sexual without your having to do anything you don’t want to do. Perhaps you could give me your own ideas with regard to that?’