‘Don’t panic, babe,’ said Deano, folding her into his arms and holding her tight. ‘At least somebody knows we’re here. There’s every chance we’ll get out.’

‘Mia!’ Jason was bellowing her name, banging on the door, but no reply came. He swore savagely and sat down hard on the bed beside Deano and Kayley.

‘This is what I get for being a hero,’ he said. ‘Burned alive.’

‘Listen, Jason,’ said Deano, ‘whether or not we get out of here, I really appreciate what you’ve tried to do. It’s more than I might have done myself. I … perhaps this is the right time to say … perhaps Jenna wasn’t completely off her head when she went off with you.’

‘Thanks, mate,’ said Jason acidly. ‘That’s a nice thought to take with me to my grave.’ He put his head in his hands. ‘Why did I storm off like that? I’m a twat. I could still be there, with her, now … I can’t stand her last memory of me being so shit.’

He got up again and banged the door, more to relieve his feelings than to achieve anything.

As he banged, he roared Jenna’s name.

Kayley huddled closer into Deano and waited for everything to end.

‘Oh, bloody hell!’ The police officer ran a few steps towards the house, then backed away again.

‘I think there’s somebody in there,’ said Jenna urgently.

‘Seriously?’ He shouted back to a colleague. ‘Jeff, get the fire brigade. We think there’s somebody in the house.’ He turned back to Jenna. ‘Who?’

‘Well, like I said, Lawrence Harville is the tenant, and we think he’s holding somebody in there against their will. But Harville’s car isn’t here, so … I don’t know. Maybe they left. Maybe there’s nobody in there. Oh God, I don’t know, but I hope so.’

‘Well, I’m going to see if I can get in round the back,’ said the police officer. ‘Who do you think is in there?’

‘My ex-husband,’ said Jenna, following him around the side of the building. ‘Deano Diamond.’

The copper stopped in his tracks and stared at her.

‘You’re joking me,’ he said.

‘I wish I was. Please … can you try and get in there?’

‘I’ll see what I can do. Was it you who reported the shots being fired?’

Jenna’s eyes widened and her heart, already high in her chest, felt as if it had lodged in her throat, choking her.

She shook her head and swallowed hard.

‘Sh-shots?’ she stammered. ‘No. No, that wasn’t me. Oh Christ.’

‘All right,’ said the police officer more gently. ‘Look, why don’t you go and look after your friend over there? She seems in a pretty bad way.’

Jenna glanced back at Parker, who was in hysterics, trying to fight off various police officers and paramedics in order to hurl herself into the burning building.

‘He’s in there!’ she kept yelling. ‘My Deano is in there! Help him!’

Jenna was reluctant to leave the officer, but she had enough faith in him to believe that he would do everything he could.

‘Back door’s open anyway!’ she heard him say cheerfully as she set off towards Parker. ‘That’s a good start.’

Jenna took over from the paramedic who was clinging to Parker’s arm.

‘Parker, you’re stopping these people from doing their jobs,’ she said, finding that trying to focus on somebody else’s panic was a good antidote for her own. ‘Please, let’s just wait and see. An officer’s going in to see what’s what. And Deano might not be in there, anyway. Harville’s car isn’t here – he might be driving Deano home right now.’

Parker stopped hyperventilating for a moment to stare at Jenna out of her mascara-streaked face.

‘D’you think?’ she panted. ‘Oh God, please let it be true. Oh God.’