‘Christ, who is …?’

They bent over the figure and Jenna’s heart began to bump again when she realised it was neither Jason nor Deano.

‘Oh God, oh God,’ she said, putting a shaky hand on Parker’s. ‘I thought it was …’

‘So did I,’ admitted Parker, and they hugged each other briefly before kneeling to tend to the injured man.

‘I’m going to call an—’

But the sound of sirens, distant at first but rapidly nearing, finished the sentence for her.

Before they could get up, flashing lights were everywhere and a police car had swept into the drive.

‘Is that your car?’ demanded an officer, leaping out and striding over. ‘I’ll need you to move it. Got an ambulance coming in and you’re obstructing the driveway there.’

‘OK,’ said Jenna, hurrying towards the car.

‘Just move it up the drive,’ called the policeman after her. ‘Don’t leave. I need everyone on the scene. You can’t get out anyway – too many vehicles queuing up to get in.’

Jenna realised with a thrill of shock that she was being treated as a suspect.

She shook off her indignation – he was only doing his job – and parked the car more conveniently, although she was so het up she almost bunny-hopped up the drive, the gearstick slippery under her sweaty palm.

‘So, do you know who he is?’ she was asked, once she rejoined the officer and Parker.

An ambulance was coming in now, the doors opening, paramedics leaping out.

Jenna gave him a closer look.

All the blood on his face didn’t help, but …

‘No,’ she said, with a bemused grimace at him. ‘Never seen him before.’

‘Is this your house …?’ The officer broke off, a familiar look of sudden recognition coming over his face. ‘It isn’t, is it?’ he finished lamely.

‘No, it isn’t. I’ve never been here before. It’s rented by Lawrence Harville, and we think he might be keeping somebody prisoner in …’

She broke off with a breath of horror. A glance over at the cottage had revealed a hot streak of orange flame on the living room curtains.

‘There,’ she whispered.

‘Where’s the key?’ shouted Mia.

‘I don’t bloody well know

!’ replied Jason. ‘I suppose Harville’s got it. Is he still in there?’

‘No, he’s gone away.’

She stopped and sniffed at the air. The burning smell was getting stronger and there was a noise coming from above. A roaring noise like … Oh God, and that was a pane of glass shattering. And smoke. Suddenly, smoke everywhere.

The place was on fire.

‘Oh shit!’ she screamed. ‘Wait there. I’m calling the fire brigade and looking for something to break the door down. Don’t panic. I’ll be back.’

‘Fire brigade?’ Jason’s voice trailed after her as she raced up the stairs, the exhortation not to panic having apparently fallen on deaf ears.

‘Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,’ whimpered Kayley, tears stinging her eyes, partly due to the smoke that was creeping in under the door.