‘I know,’ said Jenna, leading Parker to the sofas and sitting her down. ‘And the question is, why did he say that?’

‘I can call him and ask him again,’ said Parker, flipping out her phone and dialling. ‘He’s not answering,’ she said sadly, a few moments later.

‘Perhaps he’ll answer me,’ said Jenna grimly. ‘Shit, I blocked his number and now I can’t remember it. Can you …?’

Parker recited the number and Jenna punched it into her phone.

Again the phone rang. But this time it was answered.

‘I found those photographs,’ said Harville, waving a plastic wallet at Deano and Kayley. They were still very close together on the bed and seemed really very friendly for people who barely knew each other. If Harville didn’t know differently, he’d think Deano was seriously interested in the slag. ‘Why don’t you take a peek? They’re not really up to Playboy standard, but maybe they’d make Readers’ Wives in one of the more downmarket wank mags.’

Kayley had buried her face in Deano’s shoulder. He put an arm around her.

‘No?’ said Harville. ‘Are you sure? Come on. I’ll show you a little taster.’

He opened the wallet and drew out a handful of photographs, all enlarged and glossy.

‘What about this? A fellow at each end.’

He held it up for Deano’s perusal. Deano looked away.

‘I know it’s not very tasteful but it’s a great tit shot. Look at that angle. And the way her arse is sticking out, as if begging the man at the back to give it to her harder. Of course, she couldn’t ask outright, because her mouth’s full. Kayley’s mouth was rarely empty back then, not to mention her pussy.’

‘Shut up,’ said Deano fiercely. ‘Leave her alone.’

‘What a gentleman you are,’ said Harville, with elaborate surprise. ‘Well, since you care so much for the lady’s reputation, perhaps you’d like to buy these off me? The price is Harville Hall.’

‘Don’t fall for it, Deano,’ said Kayley breathlessly. ‘I’m a nobody. Who’d be interested in porn shots of me?’

‘I don’t know,’ said Harville. ‘There’s a lovely parallel with certain events in Jenna’s life just now. I think some people would find the link very interesting. First the woman herself is disgraced on camera, then her Girl Friday.’

‘Look, all I can do is talk to Jenna,’ said Deano, sounding defeated.

‘Oh, Deano? Seriously? Would you do that?’

Kayley was clearly touched.

Harville’s phone shrilled out. He tutted, but gave the screen a cursory look.

‘Oh, now!’ he exclaimed. ‘This is serendipitous indeed.’

‘It’s what?’ said Kayley.

‘You’ll never guess who …’ he said, but he answered the call before finishing the sentence.

Deano and Kayley both sat up poker-straight as he spoke his first words.

‘Jenna, my dear, how lovely to hear from you. To what do I owe the pleasure? Yes, he is, as a matter of fact. Of course. I’ll put him on.’

He handed the phone to Deano, while looking through the photographs of Kayley in an exaggerated manner and holding one up from time to time, just to keep the conversation on track.

‘All right, Jen?’ said Deano, clearing his throat as a particularly lurid crotch-shot of Kayley was held up for his perusal.

‘Where are you? What have you been doing? Parker’s been going insane with worry here.’

‘Well, I’m with Lawrence, as you know. We had a meeting.’

‘But where?’