‘He has a little place in the country.’

Lawrence gave him a warning look as Jenna asked the exact whereabouts.

‘Uh, not sure exactly,’ said Deano. ‘Tinted glass in the car, y’know, couldn’t really tell.’

‘But you’re OK?’

‘I’m fine. Chillax, hey? You and Parker both. Anyway, I didn’t know you cared.’

‘Of course I care if you drop off the radar and nobody knows where you’ve gone. Honestly, Deano. You could be a bit more considerate. Oh, no, I forgot. You couldn’t. You don’t know how.’

Harville was making gestures that indicated he thought Deano should move the conversation on to the subject of the Hall, but Deano thought Jenna’s waspish tone didn’t promise much.

Putting his hand over the speaker, he mouthed, ‘She’s not in a good mood.’

Harville shrugged and held up a picture of Kayley fellating a dildo.

Deano resumed the conversation.

‘Parker’s just overreacting,’ he said. ‘It’s what she does. Anyway … er … it’s funny you should call because I’ve been thinking about you.’

‘Deano, I’m not here for sweet nothings …’

‘No, that’s not what I mean. I’ve been thinking about the Hall.’

‘Harville Hall?’

‘Yeah. I had this great idea for what you could do with it, I mean, once you’re done with the refurb and back from your sabbatical.’

‘Well, I was thinking hotel, but I haven’t decided yet. It depends on a lot of things, especially Jason …’

‘This would be so much better than a hotel. The whole thing of being back in Bledburn and seeing how things are for the kids here has made me think.’

‘First time for everything.’

‘Ouch, my ego.’

Kayley smiled at the theatrical delivery, but she was still on tenterhooks. Seeing those enlarged pictures of herself wasn’t helping either.

‘Go on, then. What’s your amazing idea?’

‘We use it to open a kind of school or, or, refuge. For talented kids from underprivileged backgrounds. It would be the perfect project for both of us, and a massive boost for Bledburn.’

There was a silence. Harville leant forwards, his eyes glittering.

‘You know,’ said Jenna slowly, ‘I like that. I really like it. It’s a good idea.’

Deano smiled, holding his breath.

‘But … where has it come from? Have you done any research? Looked at any figures?’

‘Not yet. I mean, I only just had the idea myself.’

‘Only just? Hang on. You’ve been with Harville all day. Has he put this into your head? Is it some kind of ploy to get me out of the Hall?’

Deano shook his head apologetically at Harville, whose face scrunched up in anger.

‘Don’t be daft, Jen, there’s nothing in it for him if I turn the place into a charity school, is there? It’s nothing to do with Harville.’