"Looks fun", Valentine said, and meant it.

"Just say the word and..."

The corporal's chair in the hallway scraped and Valentine heard him come to his feet. Boots squeaked on the linoleum.

Patrick Yenez-Powell had darkish but freckled skin, a boxer's squashed nose, and ears like a pair of beat-up trash can lids. Valentine didn't know what to make of the variegated uniform. The gold necklace, dungaree overalls, and shoulder holster made him look like a motor-pool inventory guard called away from a good card game, but the round, black felt hat added a serious note.

Valentine envied the sandals, though. They looked cool and comfortable.

"Knock knock", Pyp said. "Got a minute, Horny?" His voice flowed low, musical, and a little sad. If basset hounds could talk, they'd sound like Yenez-Powell.

"Always", Hornbreed said.

Valentine saw a pair of adjutants, male and female so alike that they looked like brother and sister, peering in from the doorway.

Pyp strode in, holding his left arm behind.

"You dumb sonofabitch. I told you Rockette wasn't fit to get home. You had to be a hero and make it or go down with the ship".

"Got her in range of the salvage bird", Hornbreed said.

"We'll have to invent a new medal for you - you got all the others. Just park it for now. I brought you a present. Fresh from the Cali Dairy", Pyp said, revealing a big bottle of white liquid Valentine guessed to be milk. "Still a little warm from the cow".

Hornbreed produced one of his little gasps. "Huff. Thanks, sir. You're a wonder". He twisted off the cap and tried a swallow.

"Milkman", Valentine said quietly.

"Is this our stray herder?" Pyp asked, turning to Valentine.

"He got me out of a dark hole", Hornbreed said. "Almost punched out doing it".

"Thank you, young man". He offered his hand. "Call me Pyp".

Valentine shook his hand. "Max".

"Good with his gun and cool in a hotbox", Hornbreed said. "We could sure use him".

Valentine shrugged. "I'm flattered, but I'm more interested in the reward".

Pyp sucked air through his teeth. "Sorry to hear that. But don't worry, you'll get it in full".

"Your jackets say the reward is nonnegotiable", Valentine said. "Is that firm?"

Both the pilots exchanged looks and frowns. "Hey, Max...", Hornbreed started.

"Son, most of the fellers who want to haggle don't hand over the pilot first", Pyp said. "You're either dumb or impractical".

"I didn't mean the amount", Valentine said. "I meant the type. Does it have to be gold?"

"What, you want something lighter? We can look into gems", Pyp said.

Valentine held up a hand. "Oh, nothing like that. I was wondering if I could trade the reward for a ride in one of your planes".

This time the pilots exchanged furrowed brows.

"Where you wanna go, Japan?" Pyp said. "You're screwing yourself, son".

"Gold just brings trouble. I've got family on a patch of land up toward Canada. I'd like a ride up there".