"Drink lots of water", she advised, and turned on the tap in the washbasin. "If you want to get cleaned up, you can use the showers in 'E' corridor - just follow the signs. You can read, right? Wear your ID at all times, even in the shower. There's a staff commissary in that wing too - eat a couple of bananas". She signed a piece of paper and handed it to him. "You're on unlimited rations for three days, so enjoy. Don't skimp on the veggies".

She went to an intercom by the door. "Room three is cleared", she said.

"What about Equality?" Valentine asked.

"Wing Leader Hornbreed's doing fine. He's staying here for observation overnight. Check with the base security by the admitting door and they'll find you a bunk. You'll probably be here until we release the wing leader".

Valentine cleaned himself up using the washbasin, and felt better but still bleary when he presented himself to a potbellied example of base security. They looked him over as though wanting to arrest him on general principles, but eventually informed him that his reward was being arranged.

"Old Pyp's on the way", the corporal explained. "He wants to see you and the wing leader".

Valentine wondered if there was a "Young Pyp", or if the phrase, with its poetic evocation of Tempus fugit, indicated some measure of endearment.

"Mind if I grab a meal first?"

"Just don't be long about it", the desk sergeant barked. "He's a busy man and we don't want to be running around looking for you".

The corporal took him to the cafeteria, whistled at the food prescription. "Enjoy. We've been on ration cards for over a year".

Valentine winced. "I know what that's like".

He piled a tray with some dubious-looking meat in gravy, potatoes, fruit, and rice buns. The servers examined his piece of paper at each station, even the woman who poured him a glass of juice.

The corporal settled for a thick slice of bread smeared with "protein paste", and water.

"Hope that tastes better than it looks", Valentine said.

The corporal rolled his eyes. "They say it's refried beans. Tastes like they scraped it off a Dumpster".

"Dig into mine", Valentine said.

"You're a real guapo ... uh, Mr. Argent". He hunched over the table and worked a chunk of Valentine's steak free from bone and gristle.

"Why the food shortage?" Valentine asked.

"Troubles out east", the corporal said, shoveling food and looking over his shoulder. "We just took a bunch of California farmland, thanks to the Circus, but it's taking time to get organized. Headhunters down south are having a tougher time finding peons to work the land. This territory used to be Frolic City - Pyp's Circus brought in a lot of in-kind trade from the Gulag. Now we're fighting to hold our own".

"Here's to better days", Valentine said, swallowing some watery juice.

The corporal removed some gravy with his heel of bread. "If you're looking to set up an establishment somewhere comfy with your reward..."

Valentine picked up his wiped-clean tray. "Haven't thought that far ahead, friend".

Hornbreed was on the telephone when they entered the room. The corporal pulled up a chair outside.

"No", Hornbreed said, wincing a little at the effort. "No. Let's get Bettie Page stripped. Put Tigress and Zorro into reserve, and Brunhilda in for a complete overhaul. Let me know the status of Rockette as soon as the

salvagers bring her in. Yeah, I flipped her. Tell them at least a week for the wing to reorganize. Colorado tore us a new one".

He paused. Then: "Kur! I don't care. We'll lose half the wing if we go into action now. Yes, I'll take the responsibility".

Valentine listened to another call to someone named "Lo", full of many reassurances as to his condition. He went to the window, watched the quiet airfield. Gliders circled far above, featherless hawks on the air currents. Valentine watched a new string of gliders take off, a twin-engine prop with five fiberglass baby planes in tow.

Hornbreed returned the phone to its cradle and rubbed his eyes.

"What are all the gliders for?" Valentine asked.

"Pilot training. You learn most of the principles of flight, and it saves a lot of gas".