Page 190 of Hamlet

132 convert ... effects divert me from the grim deeds I intend to carry out 134 want lack

134 colour character, quality/motive, grounds/hue (colorless tears rather than red blood) 141 habit clothing/demeanor

141 as as when/as if

143 coinage invention

144 cunning skillful/crafty

149 reword repeat

150 gambol spring away

151 unction ointment

152 trespass sin

153 skin and film form a thin skin over

154 mining corroding/undermining/sapping

158 ranker more abundant

158 virtue i.e. virtuous talk and rebukes

159 pursy short-winded/fat

161 curb and woo bow and entreat

174 That so that

174 scourge and minister agent of retribution

175 bestow dispose of/stow away

175 answer well justify/pay for

178 behind yet to come

181 bloat bloated/flabby/swollen with self-indulgence

182 Pinch wanton in pinching your cheeks leave marks that proclaim you a wanton (lewd woman) 182 mouse common term of endearment

183 reechy filthy, squalid (literally "smoky")

185 ravel ... out unravel (i.e. reveal) all this business

187 in craft through cunning, by design

189 paddock ... gib toad, bat, tomcat (creatures popularly supposed to be the familiars of witches) 190 dear concernings important matters

192 Unpeg unfasten (thus letting the birds out) 193 famous ... down a reference to a lost story; presumably the ape attempted to imitate the birds who had been released from the basket by climbing in, then leaping out in the hope of flying, only to succeed in breaking his neck 194 try conclusions experiment

202 set me packing cause me to be sent away at once/make me begin plotting 205 still ... grave quiet, trustworthy and dignified/dead

206 prating prattling, chattering

207 draw ... you finish my dealings with you/haul you to your grave 209 matter significance