Page 191 of Hamlet

218 brainish apprehension headstrong conviction/deluded understanding 220 heavy sorrowful

224 answered accounted for

225 providence foresight/arrangements

226 short on a tight leash

226 haunt company

230 divulging becoming apparent

232 apart away

233 ore precious metal

234 mineral mine or its products

240 countenance confront/bear out

248 what's untimely done i.e. Polonius' premature death

Act 4 Scene 1

1 Stowed lodged (refers to Polonius' body); plays on slang sense of "kept quiet," "shut up"

5 Compounded united, mingled

10 keep ... own keep your secrets and not my own/follow your advice (and tell you where the body is) and yet keep my own secret 11 demanded of questioned by

11 replication response

14 countenance favor

15 authorities power, influence

17 mouthed taken into the mouth

21 sleeps in i.e. is wasted on

25 The ... body Claudius has a physical body, but he does not possess true kingship/the body is here in the castle, like Claudius; however he, not being dead, is not with Polonius/Polonius is with the true king, dead Hamlet senior, not with the usurping Claudius/Polonius is with God, rather than Claudius 28 Hide ... after refers to a children's game in which one person (the fox) hides and the others pursue him Act 4 Scene 2

4 of by

4 distracted deranged/confused/foolish

6 scourge punishment

6 weighed considered

7 bear ... even manage matters smoothly and evenly

9 Deliberate pause i.e. the result of careful consideration 10 appliance remedy

15 Without outside

22 convocation political assembly

22 convocation ... diet a punning allusion to the Diet (i.e. assembly) of the German city of Worms 22 e'en even now