“No,” he laughed a tired laugh.

“Should I let you go? You sound exhausted.”

“I have hours of work ahead of me. But I need this. I need you.”

He had me buzzing like I’d just downed ten cups of coffee. “You do?”

“More than you know. Tell me your other deal breakers.”

Brant Holland wanted me. I could so scarcely believe it that I had yet to even say it out loud. I didn’t dare tell my sisters until I knew it was a for sure thing. No need to make Dani freak out for no reason. I still needed to figure out what that was all about. Sisters aside, I felt like if I said it out loud, it would jinx it. I thought maybe I could trick the universe this time and I would get to keep Brant.

“Okay, next question: Do you ever wear trainers without socks?”

“No. Wait. Once I did, but you can hardly hold it against me since I was late to class and grabbed the first shoes I found. Mind you, they didn’t match.”

I giggled. “That had to be a sight. Regardless, I’m not sure I can let that slide,” I teased.

“How about if I promise never to do it again?”

“Are we talking a solemn vow, or just a run-of-the-mill promise?”

“We are talking a blood oath, I-swear-on-my-life kind of vow.”

I smiled to myself, loving how playful he was being. It was like the old Brant. “Okay, fine, but never again.”

“You have my word. What’s next?”

“This one is a no-exceptions kind of question. Do you like your steak well done? Think very carefully before you answer.”

“Anything beyond medium rare is a sin.”

“Ding. Ding. Ding. That is correct. We may now proceed,” I sang.

“I’ve missed you, Kins,” he said so adoringly. “You always know how to make me smile.”

“I’m glad. I’ve missed you too.” And not just since he’d left on his business trip. I’d been missing him like I would miss myself.

“Would you like to video call? I would love to see your face.”

“I’m makeup-free and in pajamas.”

“Even better.”

“You say that now.”

“I absolutely mean it.” He left no doubt in my mind.

“Okay, but what are you wearing? This should only be fair.”

“I’m makeup-free too,” he teased. “As far as what I’m wearing, answer my call and find out.”

Holy Hannah was he sexy. I had all sorts of thoughts of what he was or wasn’t wearing. The kind of thoughts that were making me so warm I threw the covers off me. “See you soon,” I said, out of breath.

He didn’t say goodbye before hanging up, but almost immediately I had a request to accept a video call from him. I quickly turned on my bedside lamp and sat up super straight before holding up the phone and answering. I wasn’t sure what to expect on the other end, but let’s just say I was hoping for more skin than what appeared. Yet, he still made my heart beat double time as he sat there wearing a white button-up and a loosened gray tie.

I tilted my head. “Are you still at the office, or wherever it is you’re working?” I couldn’t see much beyond his gorgeous face and an abstract art painting behind him.

“I’m back at the hotel.”

I bit my lip. “Well, you may want to think about at least taking off the tie, and maybe unbuttoning some of that shirt.”

He raised his debonair brow. “You think so?”

“I mean, if you want to. I know I wouldn’t complain.”

“I would hate to disappoint you.” He propped up his phone and gave me an excellent view of him removing his tie and slowly unbuttoning his shirt. I was going to have to start fanning myself as I watched the chest hair on his defined pectorals appear. All I could think about was how much I wanted to nestle my head against his chest and sleep there all night long.

“Is that enough for you?” he crooned.

I nodded, unable to speak for fear it would be so squeaky Oscar might mistake me for a mouse and claw me. Oh, how I wished I could reach through the screen.

“You look beautiful, by the way,” he interrupted my salacious thoughts.

“Thank you.”

For a moment we just stared at each other, almost as if this were all a dream. Yet it was the most real and exhilarating moment of my life. I wanted to say so much but didn’t know where to begin. I wanted this dream so badly but was so afraid that if I spoke, I would wake up.

He finally broke the silence when he said, “Thank you for voting for me today. That means the world to me. I’d imagined this night to be much different than it’s turned out to be.”

“Are you disappointed?” I swallowed hard, thinking that was a ridiculous question. Of course he was disappointed.