The girls both verbalized their displeasure that he was leaving, but leave he did. Then I heard Whitney say to Gemma, “I wonder why they didn’t bake cookies.”

That was my cue to get it together and get back into slumber party mode. I wasn’t sure it was possible after Brant had, let’s say, preheated the oven. Regardless, I rushed back to the fort and crawled in, trying to pretend that my world hadn’t just been rocked. I was Brant’s favorite? How was that possible? I had so many questions that needed to be answered. But first, Whitney had a big one for me.

“Are you and Uncle Brant ever going to bake cookies together?”

Wow. That was a big question. But the truth was, “I hope so.”

Chapter Seventeen

I snuggled under the covers, holding my phone, debating on whether or not I should text Brant. I knew he was super busy and working late into the night, so he was probably awake even though it was almost midnight. Did I know where he was or for what? No. Whatever this case was, it was so secret, he couldn’t even disclose his location. I didn’t even know what time zone he was in. All I knew was, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. It had been three days since he’d upended my world in my kitchen. Told me all the things I’d been longing to hear. Kissed me as if he wanted me forever. It seemed so surreal, I questioned if it had even happened. Except my lips still tingled and my heart still pounded.

My thumbs ached to type out a message. I didn’t want to seem desperate or bother him. But he had said I was his favorite, and he had sent a few messages since he’d been gone. Just an I miss you and a Can’t wait to see you when I get back. The feeling was mutual. And though the texts were simple, it was a major step for us.

I gave in. I voted for you today.

Election Day had finally happened. It was sad not to see Brant on the ballot. He was a much better choice than the yahoos running for that Senate seat. And after the way they had both bad-mouthed Brant, I couldn’t in good conscience vote for either one, so I’d written Brant’s name in. It was the best vote I had ever cast.

I curled into myself, and Oscar settled next to me. As much as I loved my cat, I found myself wishing Brant was there to hold me. To whisper in my ear and tell me Saturday night hadn’t been a dream. To answer all the questions I had and then kiss me until I couldn’t breathe.

I had barely set my phone on the nightstand when it buzzed. I picked it up to see my favorite name pop up on the screen.

“Hi,” I answered the phone.

“Hello. I know it’s late, but I wanted to hear your voice.”

I sat up, feeling all sorts of butterflies in my stomach. “I’m glad you called.”

“Me too. How are you?”

“Busy, but good. The question is, how are you? Today couldn’t have been easy for you.” His name had been brought up a lot in the news today. Not only that, but last year at this time, we’d all thought for sure we would be congratulating Senator-elect Holland tonight.

“Thankfully, I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to think about it.”

“But you have,” I guessed.

“Yes,” he sighed.

“I am sorry.” I bit my lip. “Can I ask you why you dropped out of the race?”

“Because . . . ,” he paused. “It was the right thing to do.”

“Oh.” That really cleared it up.

“That’s a vague answer, isn’t it?”

“Very,” I whispered.

“Kinsley,” he said my name so reverently, “it has to do with the case I’m working on,” he sounded reluctant to say. “For now, that’s all I can say, but I promise when it’s all settled, you will be the first to know. I’ll tell you everything.”

“I hate to ask this . . .” But it had been on my mind a lot. Especially after what Grandpa had said about him being in trouble. Throw in all the secrecy surrounding this case, and I really had to wonder. “You didn’t do anything illegal, did you?” I rushed to say.

“No. I didn’t,” he was quick to the point and sharp.

“I’ve upset you.”

“It’s not you. I hate that I’ve given you reason to ask.”

“At least it’s not the Mafia, right?” I nervously laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

“It’s not the Mafia.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Then I’ll be patient until you get back. Except I do have some deal breakers.”

“What are those?” He sounded nervous.

“Relax, it’s nothing too daunting. I only need to know things like, do you clap when the plane lands?”