Ariana patted my head. “We all know you loved Tristan. Is he still messaging you, by the way?”

I nodded. “Now he’s saying that he loves me. He just lost his head for a second.”

“How did you respond?”

“I told him it was over.”

Ariana took the stool next to me. “I’m just throwing this out there, but don’t you find it interesting how easy it’s been for you to let him go?”

My head popped up. “I wouldn’t say it’s been easy,” I said indignantly. “Besides, the man told me there was someone else, and he broke up with me right before my birthday. Why would I want to go back to him?”

“I’m not saying you should,” she said delicately. “I’m only saying that there was someone else for you too.”

I rubbed my temples. “I can’t deal with this. Brant and I never dated. He got engaged. Remember?”

“I’m pretty sure he’s not engaged now.” She wagged her brows before looking at Jonah, who was trying to look anywhere but at me. “Tell her what you think.”

Jonah’s eyes went wide. “I love you, baby, but I think I’m going to stay out of this. In fact, I think Whitney needs me.” He skedaddled as quickly as he could.

“Coward,” Ariana called, making her little bundle of joy stir. “For this, we are going to start discussing getting a real tattoo for you.”

His chuckle floated back to us from the adjoining room.

Ariana waved a hand in front of her face. “Anyway, Jonah thinks Brant is just waiting to make his move until you’ve gotten over Tristan.”

“That’s a nice theory.” But I had a feeling that wasn’t the case. The way his mom talked made it sound much deeper. I stood. “I’m going to start the hot chocolate.”

Ariana reached for my hand and held on to it like her life depended on it. “Kins, take it from someone who ran from the love of her life for years and then watched him get married to another woman: you don’t want to do that.”

I gripped the island with my free hand. “Why would you think Brant is the love of my life?” I stuttered.

“Honey, for years I’ve watched you quietly pine for him. Don’t try to deny it.”

I looked up to the vaulted ceiling, trying to stave off the tears. “Ariana,” I whispered, “I don’t . . . I mean, I can’t.”

“Can’t what?”

I faced her and met her concerned eyes. “I’m trying to make better choices.” Didn’t she see how ridiculous I had been?

She squeezed my hand. “I can understand that. Just make sure you’re confident before you do something you’ll regret.”

“You sound like Sheridan.”

Her eyes widened. “His mom talked to you?”

I pulled away from her and headed for the refrigerator to pull out the ingredients I needed. “She did.”

“What did she say?”

“Basically, the same thing as you,” I mumbled into the refrigerator. No need to go into all the gory details.

“No wonder she was quick to jump on my plan.”

I peeked my head out and pointed at all the pumpkins. “I’m not happy about this, by the way.”

Ariana laughed. “Says the woman who helped trick me into spending time with Jonah on more than one occasion.”

“That was different, and you’re welcome.” Jonah had begged for Dani’s and my help. I didn’t see Brant pleading for anyone’s help to win me over.

“Someday you might be thanking me,” she threw back at me. “I’m only returning the favor.”

“Fine.” I was tired of arguing with her. Instead, I smiled, grabbed the whole milk, and set it on the counter. “Anyway,”—I headed for her pantry—“what do you think of Jill’s engagement? He’s old enough to be her father.”

“It doesn’t seem real, if you ask me. There’s zero chemistry between them. I swear she looks like she’s cringing in the photos of them together. What’s weird is she and Brant hadn’t seemed to connect either, but she had clung to him like Press’n Seal whenever they were pictured together, or in person, for that matter.”

I came out of the pantry balancing pumpkin puree, white chocolate candy bars, cocoa, and various spices. My job made me a pro at juggling ingredients. I set them all on the island and debated divulging what Sheridan had said to me. I didn’t want to spread gossip, per se, but maybe Ariana could help me make heads or tails out of it all. I leaned across the island and whispered, “So, Sheridan made it sound as if there was some sort of falling-out with the Copelands, beyond Jill breaking off the engagement. Which I still don’t understand. I mean, how can she go from Brant to the grandpa she’s engaged to?”

Ariana drummed her fingers against the island. “That’s a good question. I would say we should ask Dani about it, but . . . ,” she paused.

“She’s acting a bit crazy,” I finished for her.