As I walked up the pathway to their house, I noticed Ariana had added skeleton pieces sticking up from their lawn. Maybe I wasn’t the only one who needed help. Creepy. But, it was so totally my sister, and I loved her for it.
Ariana greeted me at the door with Sammy swaddled against her, sleeping like an angel. I walked in and kissed his sweet head, anxious to snuggle him once he woke up. Even though the little tyke made me question my no man policy almost more than anybody. Well, him and my nieces. I wanted to be a mommy so bad I could taste it. As wonderful as Oscar was, he didn’t satisfy the need to procreate.
Ariana gave me a side hug. “You look all aglow. What’s up?”
“I didn’t realize I was glowing. Too much highlighter on my face?”
“Not that kind of glow. Inward glowing.”
I shrugged. “It’s probably the effect of being Giselle-and-Carter-free.”
She gave me a sly smile. “Yes, how goes it with your new partner?”
I got what her tone was intimating. She was so off. “Good. He’s lived up to his part of the deal and remains ever silent.”
Her brow popped. “You sound a bit salty about that.”
I felt my face flush. “I’m not. That’s the way I want it.”
“Uh-huh.” She didn’t believe a word I said. Thankfully, I was saved by my niece, who came flying out of their family room carrying something green and furry. “Aunt Kinsley, look what Mommy and Grandma made me.” She held up a frightening-looking dinosaur costume. Like wow, my sister had some skills.
“I’m going to be a Dilophosaurus. It’s a genus of the theropod dinosaur. They lived in North America and ate mammals.”
“Well, I hope you aren’t hungry for humans tonight,” I teased her.
“Aunt Kinsley, they lived during the early Jurassic period; they didn’t eat humans.”
“Phew.” I wiped my brow. “You had me worried there.” I smiled at her.
“You need to read more of my research.” She turned around and marched back to where she had come from.
Ariana and I both laughed.
“I think I’m going to need to go to college so I can try and keep up with her.” Ariana spoke with such pride.
“Good luck with that. I think her brain came hot-wired to function at genius level.”
“No doubt,” Ariana agreed.
“Do you need help getting anything ready?” I offered.
“Well, I did buy the ingredients for your pumpkin spice white hot chocolate—you know, if you wanted to make a batch.”
“I suppose I could do that.” I grinned.
“Good.” She grabbed my hand. “We can gossip about a certain engagement I read about while you do.”
I knew exactly who she was talking about.
We walked into the kitchen to find Jonah finishing up the dishes. I loved a man who knew how to clean. Not that I was in love with my brother-in-law. I wasn’t. But I wouldn’t mind a guy like him. Doctor by day, dishwasher by night. Sign me up. I mean, metaphorically, because I was living the single life with my cat. So fulfilling. Really. I would say it until I believed it.
“Hey, Kins.” Jonah closed the dishwasher and started it. “How are you?”
“Good.” I looked around at the pumpkin carving stations they had set up on their table and island. I counted only five pumpkins. “Who canceled?”
Ariana tilted her head. “What do you mean?”
“There are only five pumpkins, but there are eleven of us.” If you included Gemma and Whitney. Twelve if you counted Sammy, but since he wasn’t quite four months old yet, I didn’t think he would be carving pumpkins.
“Are there?” she sang. “I guess I miscounted.” She batted her eyelashes innocently.
Jonah barked out a laugh before tossing a dish towel at Ariana. “Honey, I think you better come clean.”
She caught the towel with ease. “What? I’m innocent here.”
I saw where this was going and shook my head at her. “Are you hoping to pair me up with someone? In that case, I choose Whitney.”
“She’s taken.” Ariana smirked.
“Okay. I call Gemma.”
“Sorry, she’s been claimed too.”
“By whom?”
“Sheridan wants both of the girls to help her.”
I sank onto the stool nearest me. “And let me guess, all the married couples want to work together.”
“How did you know?” she said, too cheerfully.
“I’m going to go home.” I stood to leave, but Ariana pushed me back down.
“Please don’t. You’ll disappoint everyone, especially Dani, who needs to announce what we all already know.” She grinned.
I rolled my eyes. “That’s just low.”
“Oh, come on. We all know you and Brant like each other, so get on with it already.”
I rested my head on the granite island and groaned. “Not you too. I just got out of a relationship. And just to recap, it didn’t go so well. Not only that, but mixing business with pleasure isn’t a good idea.” See how smart I sounded? We are talking Whitney-level genius.