“No, because I’m here with the right woman.”

His answer surprised me. I liked it very much, but it reminded me that I had lots of questions. “When did you know Jill was the wrong woman?”

He exhaled loudly and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Probably from the very beginning, but I couldn’t let myself believe that.”


“Because, I didn’t think I had a choice,” he said cautiously.

“I’ve heard rumors it was your father’s doing. Is that true?” I hesitated to ask.

His face reddened. “Yes, and no.”

I leaned back against my pillows. “Oh.”

“Please don’t take that as meaning I loved her. I didn’t.”

“That confuses me even more. Why would you marry someone you didn’t love?”

He leaned forward, as if he could get closer to me. “Kinsley, all my life, I thought I knew what I wanted. I lived and breathed for it. Every decision I made pointed in one direction. I was going to change the world. Then came you.” He gave me a tired smile.

At first, I was flattered, but then . . . “You couldn’t change the world with me?” I sounded as if he had mortally wounded me. And in a way he had.

“No,” he said, flustered. “Please don’t take it that way. Kinsley, when I finally realized what I had right in front of my face, I was past the point of no return. I couldn’t have my cake and eat it too. You don’t know how much I dreamed of having you by my side tonight while I delivered the acceptance speech I’ve had written since I was seventeen years old.”

That pricked my heart on so many levels. Happy he wanted me, but heartbroken his dream was shattered.

“Brant, I would have been by your side—all you had to do was ask.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “If only it were that simple. But becoming a senator was going to cost me, and that price included you.”

“I’m still confused. Was it because I wasn’t educated enough, wealthy enough, connected enough . . . beautiful enough?” My voice shook as I was on the verge of tears, but I managed to hold them back. There was always something I wasn’t enough of.

“Kinsley, please stop. It wasn’t you. You don’t lack anything.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I know you’re frustrated with my silence and I keep saying this, but until this case I’m working on is over, I can’t tell you all the reasons why, and I certainly don’t want to over the phone. All I can tell you right now is that I would trade anything for the chance to be with you.”

I loved hearing him say that, but the silence was frustrating. My brain was trying to make sense of it all, and I felt as if I were on the cusp of finding the connecting piece that had eluded me for so long. But it was taunting me. “Can you at least answer this? Is everything connected? You dropping out of the race, this case, and breaking up with Jill?”

He nodded but didn’t say a word.

My brain processed that for a bit. It spun and spun until it hurt. Until it reminded me of something. “I promised myself I would make smarter choices in life and about men. And, as much as I want to be with you, all the secrecy makes me wonder—are you the smart choice?” I begged to know, all while being surprised that I was so bold as to ask. But I had to. I couldn’t afford to have my heart broken again, especially by him.

He thought for a moment, which made me nervous. Except I knew that if he said no, I would be strong enough to walk away and close the door. I had to be. I was more worried about if he said yes. Yes would mean being brave and putting my heart out on the line again.

“Kinsley,” he spoke my name low and sexily. “I’ve watched you for years, doing my best not to let you affect me, knowing I couldn’t have you. Begging God, even, to help me not want you. Hell, I even asked for a man better than me to walk into your life and treat you the way you deserve. But this I know, no man makes your eyes light up like I do. No one makes you smile like I do. And I’ll be damned if I ever let another man try.”

I almost dropped my phone I was so taken aback by how candid he was being. How much he wanted me.

His facial expression softened. “So, to answer your question, yes, I’m the smart choice. Will it be easy? No. But this I can promise you, I’ll make it worth it if you’ll give me the chance.” He paused. “Will you give me the chance?” He sounded almost nervous.