I poked his nose again and he sniffed before he licked my finger. I cringed and ewwed as I tried to roll away from him, but he wrapped his hand around my waist and refused to let me go. His lips pressed into the back of my neck as I tried to escape. I couldn't get free.

And... I loved it.

He fucked me again and again. But the last time, it was more like making love.

I slipped out of the room before Annie woke up because I wasn't quite comfortable having her find out that we were sharing the same bed yet. I wanted her to have stability. Christian agreed.

All I could think about when he was gone to work that morning was doing something special for him. He'd gone out of his comfort zone to ask me out and I wanted to repay him. Annie and I hung out until around noon when she was supposed to meet her grandparents.

Usually, she clung to me like it was the end of the world, but seeing Christian's parents made her dash off and disappear into the house before I could hardly say goodbye. I smiled at her independence. It was a good sign.

I didn't go back to the house like I could have. Instead, I pulled up to Christian's office and pulled out the basket lunch I'd packed for him. It had all of his favorites, a bottle of wine, two glasses and even some dessert. And if he didn't have a sweet tooth, I would gladly offer myself as an end of meal snack.

A grin spread across my lips as I glanced in the side mirror of the car. My hair was tucked in place perfectly, my dress was neat, and my heart was beating like a drum. I couldn't wait to see the smile on his face. I nervously toyed with the handle of the basket as I rode the elevator up to the top floor. My heels clicked along the floor to his secretary's desk before I waited for her to be off of the phone.

"Can I help you?” she asked.

"Yes. I'm looking for Christian."

The woman looked me up and down. There was almost a pitying look on her face.

I shrank back a bit. Why is she looking at me like that?

"Mr. West is busy at the moment," she said finally.

"Oh," I replied. I could feel my face falling. "Did he step out for a minute? I can wait if he's going to come right back. I know he's always in meetings."

I heard a sound from behind the woman and I frowned. It had to be from Christian's office. His name was displayed in gold and black on the door. My teeth worried my lip before I glanced back at her.

"Mr. West's ex-wife is speaking to him," she finally blurted out. "She's been in there for a while, so I don't know if you should wait."

"Oh," I said. He did say he would talk to her. Maybe that was what he was doing with her.

"Yeah, she’s been here every day this week."

I nodded slowly, but it felt like someone else had gained control of my head and was nodding it for me. She'd been here all week? I couldn't understand why Christian wouldn't tell me that. I poured my heart and soul out to him. My belly clenched. The splendid special moment when he’d asked me to be his girlfriend rang hollow once I knew that he'd been lying to me about her.

The old me would have turned and fled.

But I loved him.

That thought alone made me change the way I would normally react. Instead of running away, I stalked past his secretary's desk. The jealousy and anger I felt fueled me as I grabbed the knob, ignored her feeble protests, and flung his office door open.

My mind told me that I would catch them in the act.

I steeled myself against it. I was getting ready to see him cheating on me when I stumbled into the office. Instead of finding her in his lap, or draped over his desk with him pounding her from behind the way he did me on his desk at home, I found him pushing her away from him, and damn near growling with fury.

"Get the hell out of my office," he seethed. "Before I call security and have you thrown out. We're finished. Why can't you get that through your damn thick head! Stop coming to my office, stop coming to my house, stop stalking Hannah. Just stop, damn it. I'm done with you. Get out!"

I blinked in surprise. His secretary was wrong… this wasn’t a sweet reunion between the two exes. I clutched my dress in my fist and felt tears well up in my eyes. For a moment there, I'd doubted him, but he never had any intention of leaving my side. If it was possible, I loved him even more.