Daphne snatched up her bag and spun on her heels.

When her eyes landed on me, I felt cold shoot through my body. I could see the hatred in her gaze.

She stalked past me then she stopped to glare at me. "Fuck you, bitch. You deserve each other!" she snapped before she stormed out of Christian's office and slammed the door behind her.

Chapter Thirty-Two


I hadn't noticed Hannah had walked in. I’d been too focused on Daphne. Well, more like too focused on getting her the fuck away from me. I saw the hurt look on Hannah's face, but something else too, that I couldn't describe.

I walked over to her and took her hands. "Hannah, I didn't mean for you to see any of that. I should have told you," I said as I shook my head. "I don't know what the hell... Are you okay?"

Hannah nodded slowly. "Why didn't you tell me that she had been here so much? I thought that maybe you were still seeing her for a minute there."

I nodded. "I know, I know. It's just that I don't feel anything for Daphne. I haven't in a long time. When she kept popping up here, I didn't think to bring it up because she isn't important. Every time she showed her face here, I just wanted it over and all I could think about was your face and getting home to you." I shook my head. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but only because it was so unimportant to me. To us."

She moved forward and kissed me deeply.

My body relaxed. I knew that with that kiss she was letting it all go. I was beating myself up for not mentioning Daphne had been stopping by.

Hannah kissed me like she just didn't care, like she couldn't get enough.

I came up for air, panting and disheveled.

She still leaned toward me, her eyes closed. Suddenly, her eyelids flutter open. Then she smiled happily at me.

I moved to my desk, picked up the two tickets and walked back to her. "Look at these," I said as I pressed them into her hand.

"What's this?" she murmured as she opened the envelope. She gasped. "Does that say what I think it says?"

I nodded. "Tickets to the Palais Garnier in Paris. Ever since you told me you wanted to go there one night, I've wanted to get these tickets for you. What do you think?"

She stared at the tickets in surprise before she looked up at me with teary eyes. "You did this for me?"

"Of course. You're my girl." I smiled. "I want you to have the best of everything."

Hannah wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed me tightly. I let her cling to me for as long as she wanted to. I loved seeing how happy she was.

When she pulled back, she wiped her eyes and grinned. "I can't believe this. I can't wait. Oh, wait, what about Annie? Is she going to want to be on a plane that long?" she asked.

"Annie is going to stay with my parents. They want some extra time with her and I figured it would be the perfect time to get out and have some fun. Besides, we won't be schlepping it to an airport and climbing on a plane. We'll be taking my private jet. Quiet, all the room you could hope for, a personal chef and a bed just for the two of us."

Hannah stared at me for a minute. Then she kissed me hard.

I laughed, happy that she was so excited. My lips moved against hers.

When she pulled back, she stared up at me with starry eyes.

I loved that about her. How starry her eyes could get. Hannah might not ask me for much, but when I surprised her with something she really loved, she gave me a look as if she could drown in my eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered. "Seriously, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love it."

I smiled. "I'm falling for you more and more. I don't want to hide that from you. I want you to know how much I care about you. I know I've been slow in getting there, but I can promise it's getting better second by second, baby."

"Really?" she asked. "I feel the same way… like this is getting deeper every day and I don't even know what to do about that."

I grinned and pulled her into my arms. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. There was something completely different about Hannah… from any other woman I'd ever met. She was beautiful, confident, kind, strong, and all around amazing. She was also so selfless when it came to the people she cared about. Why she ever agreed to just sex then never pushed for more, showed how selfless she really was. I couldn't imagine spending time away from her.