“How can you call what you do shopping?” Missy protested.

“So, we found a nice quiet bar.” Susan’s eyes were dancing with mirth.

“We’re calling her the one-drink wonder,” Alicia said. “She’s a lightweight.”

Maggie Hambly jumped in. “No stamina.”

“You have no idea how hard it is to keep these ladies happy,” Missy protested, fluttering her hand in the direction of the wives.

“Oh, we know.” Owen Darby looked to the other husbands. They were all nodding.

Missy sat back with a defeated sigh as the waiter cleared her plate. Dinner had been a boisterous affair, driven by the wives’ enthusiasm over the day’s activities. She’d joined in when prompted, but for the most part she’d eaten in silence, her nerves on high alert.

Driven by a compulsion too strong to resist, her gaze sped down the table toward her boss. The sparks in his eyes reminded her of muzzle fire. He’d watched her all night, his intense scrutiny disturbing her equilibrium as effectively as if his hands were gliding along her skin.

Missy dropped her gaze to the elegant dessert the waiter placed before her. The dish was beautiful, but her stomach could no more handle the rich chocolate soufflé than the delicious sea bass in champagne brown butter broth she’d ordered.

Had he meant what she hoped when he’d pointed out that she’d freed up his nights and hers also? He’d gone all mysterious when she’d asked him to explain. She wasn’t sure where they stood anymore.

Did he mean to spend the nights with her? In what capacity? As boss and employee? As lovers?

Anticipation shivered through her.

For two days she’d been longing to be in his arms again. Teasing Sebastian had been like playing with fire, but she wasn’t worried about getting burned. Her boss had made it clear that while he might find her attractive, he intended to keep their relationship professional. Had that changed?

She had no idea how long she’d been lost in thought when the couples around her began to get up from the table. A warm hand grazed her shoulder. From the way her nerve endings perked up, she knew Sebastian stood behind her.

The room was clearing fast. Everyone was excited about the Cirque du Soleil show they were attending. Before she knew it, only she, Sebastian and his parents remained.

“Dad, you and Mom use our tickets for the show tonight.”

Our tickets? Missy tipped her head back and stared at him in confusion. What did he mean?

“Are you sure?” his mother asked, her gaze bouncing from Sebastian to Missy.

“Absolutely.” Sebastian slid his thumb along her nape. “I have some unfinished business I need to attend to.”

Missy’s stomach dipped and rolled at the subtext beneath his statement. Did his unfinished business involve her?

“Come, Missy. Let’s get back to that matter we were discussing earlier.”

Heat bloomed in her cheeks as she pushed back from the table. What had she gotten herself into? Did he really intend to work or was his mind occupied with the same carnal thoughts that had plagued her throughout dinner?

“What matter?” she muttered as they followed his parents out of the restaurant.

“The matter of your free time.”

Well, that didn’t tell her a darned thing. Dazed by the knowing glint in his eye, she gnawed her lower lip and joined his parents in the elevator.

While Susan exclaimed over the show they were about to see, Missy cast surreptitious glances at Sebastian’s profile. The third time she looked his way, his eyes snagged hers. One dark eyebrow twitched, telling her he knew his ambiguous response was driving her crazy.

Missy shifted her attention to the wall beside him until the elevator doors opened. The heat of his hand on the small of her back further knotted her emotions and her pulse skittered like a nervous mouse as they bid the group of executives and wives goodbye and settled into a taxi for the ride back to the hotel.

She stared out the window at the millions of lights that set the strip ablaze and wondered what was going through his mind.

As the cab drew up to the hotel, she summoned the nerve to find out. “Do you really intend to work?”

The shadows inside the cab masked his expression. “No.”