“Then what are we going to do?”

The taxi stopped beneath the hotel’s canopy. Sebastian paid the driver and slid out. Missy took the hand he extended and let him pull her from the cab.

“I thought I’d leave that up to you.”

She trembled at the husky rumble of his voice. Putting the ball in her court gave her control over what happened in the next few hours. She knew what she wanted. Another night of heaven in Sebastian’s arms. Isn’t it what she’d been lobbying for? He probably expected her to suggest they run up to the suite and hop into bed.

Not a bad idea, really.

“Why let me decide?”

“You said I’m too hung up on being in control so I’m handing you the power.” He let go of her hand and slid his hands into his pockets. His watchful gaze sent shivers up her spine. “So, what’s it going to be, Missy?”

Sebastian tensed as he awaited her answer. Around them, bellhops and hotel guests faded from his awareness. His entire being was focused on Missy and the parade of emotions across her beautiful face.

Eyelashes casting shadows on her cheeks, she nibbled on her lower lip while a smile played with the corners of her mouth. Thousands of lights blazed above them, highlighting the bright spots of color in her cheeks. Her body language spoke of indecision. Now that he’d taken a step down that path, she was hesitating?

“Feel like taking my new car for a spin?”

From her tiny clutch she’d produced a set of keys. Sebastian stared at them without comprehension. While he’d been pondering the joys of taking her naked body for a spin, she’d had another sort of ride in mind.

“What new car?”

“The one I won earlier today.”

Humor dimmed the roar of his libido. “You won a car?” He shook his head. “Of course, you did. It seems you’ve come to Vegas to break the bank.”

“Where else can a girl get lucky?” she quizzed, peering at him from beneath her lashes.

Sebastian let the double entendre pass by without comment. “Lead the way.”

Half an hour later, they’d cleared the lights of Las Vegas and headed north and west into the mountains. Missy drove. She’d been surprised that he’d insisted she get behind the wheel and seeing his broad grin, she was pleased he had.

She’d hiked the hem of her snug dress to mid thigh. Given that she’d bared more at the pool yesterday, he shouldn’t be enjoying the view as much as he was. A couple of hair clips, scrounged from her purse, kept her fiery locks from whipping in the wind, but a few tendrils had escaped her top knot and blew about her cheeks.

“You’re looking pretty relaxed over there,” she remarked.

“Any reason why I shouldn’t be?”

“I’m doing a hundred and ten miles an hour.”

He was unfazed by the dangerous speed. His only anxiety involved how much of the night this wild ride would eat up. He wanted to get her alone and naked as soon as possible to take advantage of the exhilaration that gripped her.

“Do you want me to slow down?”

“You’re in charge tonight, re

member? I’m at your mercy.”

The wind snatched away the disparaging sound she made, but he had little trouble reading her skepticism in the fading light.

The sky had lost any tinge of red as they’d reached the outskirts of Las Vegas. Stars appeared as cobalt then became navy. Sebastian let his head fall backward and stared at the vast space that surrounded them. Leaving behind the frantic energy of Vegas was like stepping into a rain forest. Peace filled him.

A reduction in the car’s vibration told him she’d eased off the accelerator. The world continued to streak by, but he could pick out a few more details in the shadowy landscape.

“Are you sure you don’t want to drive?”

“Positive.” He turned his head in her direction. “Being your passenger lets me enjoy the view.”