Admitting that he was wrong was like swallowing foul-tasting medicine. He knew it was good for him, but hated the punishment on his senses. “Because I might be able to step outside the box and see all the possibilities in a computer program or security system, but when it comes to people, I take a narrow view.”

She cocked her head. “Is that your way of telling me you’re sorry for being such a judgmental ass?”

“Sorry?” He winced dramatically and watched her outrage grow. “I’m not sure I’d go that far.” When her lips popped open to chastise him, he cupped her cheek in his palm and leaned closer so she couldn’t miss the sincerity in his gaze. “You make me want to be a better man.”

“I think you’re pretty terrific already.”

“You must be in love with me,” he declared, kissing her on the nose.

“Why would you say that?” She tried for a light tone, but it came out sounding a little too anxious.

“Because only a woman in love would think I’m terrific after I took my anxiety and exasperation out on her earlier.”

“Oh, that.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “I’m just used to your bad-tempered ways.”

She took his hand. The feel of her fingers meshed with his lowered his blood pressure and calmed the agitation he’d been feeling since she’d hung up on him yesterday.

She, too, looked more at ease as they exited the parking ramp. Silence reigned as he got them onto the freeway and heading north.

“I’m all out of ideas where we should look for Madison next,” he said, prodding her out of her thoughts.

“I called Chase before the plane left Las Vegas, but he hadn’t heard from her.”

“I can’t believe she’d call him.”

“Why not?” Scarlett smiled. “Chase might be a mega star, but he’s also a great guy. He’s never forgotten the help he had on the way up and donates a ton of his time to charities. He likes to give back. And he really hit it off with Madison.”

“He seems to hit it off with you, as well.” Logan made no attempt to conceal his irritation.

“We’ve worked together.”

“It seemed more familiar than I would expect between two colleagues.”

“We might have dated briefly.”

That piece of information didn’t surprise Logan, but it made his heart feel like a cumbersome weight in his chest. “Was it serious?”

Scarlett stared out the side window. “We were young.” Her phone began to ring before Logan could press further. “It’s Madison.”

Logan saw his niece’s smiling face on Scarlett’s phone screen. Relief rushed through him.

Scarlett keyed the speaker. “Madison, oh, thank heavens. I left you three messages. Are you all right?”

“Fine. I forgot my charger when I packed for L.A. and my phone died. I finally got around to buying a new one.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. Logan’s here with me. We’ve been frantic. Why didn’t you tell us you were headed to L.A.?”

“I left a note for Logan.”

“I wish you’d talked with me instead,” Logan said.

“You don’t talk,” Madison complained. “You command.”

“I can’t argue with you there.” Scarlett spared Logan a brief glance and saw his lips tighten. “But didn’t you think you could tell me what was going on?”

“I should have, but I was so mad at Uncle Logan and you two are so tight these days....”

But not so tight anymore. The thought tempered her joy in finding out Madison was okay.