“Besides, I wanted to surprise you once everything was finalized,” the teenager continued.

“Once what was finalized?” Logan asked.

“I’m going to attend UCLA in the fall.”

“UCLA?” Scarlett silently demanded answers from Logan, but he shook his head. “That’s wonderful. How come you didn’t mention that you’d been accepted there?”

“Because I didn’t know. I never got an acceptance letter and assumed that they’d rejected me.”

“But they didn’t?”

“No. Turns out my parents intercepted the letter and didn’t tell me I’d gotten in. It was my top choice because it’s in L.A. and they’ve got a fantastic school of theater, film and television. I was devastated when the letters went out last March and I didn’t get one.”

Is that what had accounted for her running off to L.A. last spring? Scarlet exchanged a glance with Logan. “So how did you find out you were accepted?”

“They also posted the acceptances online. I was so bummed about the letter, I completely forgot that I could find out from their website until I was clearing out old emails yesterday and found the ID and password.”

“I’m thrilled for you,” Scarlett said, giddy with relief and delight. “So you came to L.A. to...?”

“Tour the campus and check out the dorms.”

“Of course.” Weak with relief, she grinned at Logan. “Where are you? We’ll come pick you up and take you out for a celebratory dinner.”

“You’re in L.A.?”

“Logan and I came here looking for you.”

“You really were worried.” Madison sounded as if she finally realized the impact of what she’d done. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do dinner. I already have plans with some of the people I met last time I was out here.”

“Where are you staying?”

“With them. They’re going to drop me off at the terminal after breakfast tomorrow so I can catch the bus back to Las Vegas.”

“We could come get you. Fly you back to Las Vegas with us.”

“Why don’t you and Logan hang out in L.A. for a few days? I’ll be fine.”

And Scarlett knew she would be. “We’ll catch up tomorrow and let you know our plans. Have fun.” She didn’t bother to add “be safe.”

After disconnecting the call, Scarlett said, “I’m guessing her parents are not going to be happy she got into UCLA.”

“To hell with them,” Logan growled. “They’re getting what they want. She’s going to college. The least they can do is let her attend the school of her choice.”

Nothing could have demonstrated what a tough month it had been for Logan better than those words. Scarlett kissed her fingertips and pressed them against his cheek.

“You’re going to make a fabulous father someday,” she declared, grinning broadly. “As much as you grumble and complain about her, you’ve been behind her all along. She might not tell you so, but I know she appreciates that you haven’t dictated to her like her parents did and that you were willing to support her choice of whatever college she went to. She’s lucky to have you.”

“Thanks.” Logan captured her hand and pressed a sizzling kiss into her palm. “Now that we’ve accomplished our mission, where should go to celebrate?”

“Why don’t we head up to Malibu? I have a house on the beach.”

“You keep a house here?”

“It was the first thing I bought when I turned eighteen. I know it doesn’t make sense to keep a three-million-dollar piece of property sitting around empty, but I love it too much to sell.”

If he’d found out about this a week ago he would have been utterly convinced that Scarlett perceived her stay in Vegas as a temporary one, but he was coming to accept that L.A. would alwa

ys be a part of who she was.