A waiter brought wine and filled all our glasses. Grant raised his. “To Amy and Colin,” he toasted.

“To Amy and Colin.”

“Thank you,” Colin said, his eyes not leaving Amy’s. “We’re so excited to be doing this together.”

“And very happy.” Amy’s voice was bubbly. “We promise not to elope and deny you all the wedding of your dreams.”

Grant laughed. “The wedding of your dreams, you mean.”

She shrugged. “I have Colin—everything else is secondary.”

We all laughed. Jason squeezed my hand under the table, and I turned to look at him. “I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too.”

The rest of the dinner was sweet. The food was good, and Jason’s parents shared their plans for an engagement party. Amy announced that they were planning to visit Colin’s parents in England, though they hadn’t decided on a date or venue for the wedding.

After we’d eaten, I got up to go to the ladies’ room.

“I’ll come with you,” Amy offered, rising from her seat.

“So, England…” I said when we were both drying our hands in front of the beautiful marble sinks in the restroom.

“I’m looking forward to meeting his parents.”

“Do you think you’ll have the wedding over there?”

She sighed. “We haven’t decided. I think it might be fair since we’re going to live here. What do you think?”

I thought about it. “I don’t know. As long as you’re both happy with what you decide.”

“Hmm.” She shrugged. “We’re still considering it.”


“I need to tell you something,” I said.

Amy’s face clouded with worry. “What?”

“Nothing bad.” I laughed weakly. “Just…I spoke to Leonard about Jason’s mother, and he’s going to help me go to her and talk.”

“Go to her?” Amy sighed. “Why? I thought the plan was to try to convince Jason to give her a chance.”

“Yes, it is, but if I talk to her, then I can tell him what I think.”

“Have you told him that she asked you to leave him? That she threatened to harm him?”

I was silent.

“She’s crazy,” Amy insisted.

“I don’t think so.”

“Jason won’t like this.”

“He also won’t like it if they never work through this. It’s like a wound he carries inside him. He cares about her. If there’s a way for him to let go of the hurt…” I trailed off.

“I don’t think this is it,” she said stubbornly. “I think this is a bad idea.”