I sighed. “I shouldn’t have brought it up…not today of all days.”

“No…I understand how you feel about it.” She paused. “When do you plan to go?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“I’ll come with you. I don’t want you going alone.”

I chuckled. “Okay, sidekick.”

She smiled. “Next weekend, maybe? We can make it a girls trip for before the whole wedding blitz begins.” She gave me a quick hug. “Can we go back now?”

“Yes! Of course.”

Later, in the car, I lay my head on Jason’s shoulder as he stroked my back. I considered telling him about my plan to go to LA. If I kept trying to reason with him, maybe I could wear him down enough to give his mother the audience she so dearly wanted.

“What are you thinking?” Jason’s voice was low and tender. His hand moved to my hair, and I sighed when he massaged my scalp.

“I’m thinking how good it feels when you touch me.” It was only half a lie.

He chuckled. “I haven’t even started touching you yet.”

There was a promise in his voice that excited me. I lifted my head from his chest and held his gaze, my fingers playing casually with the buttons on his shirt. “You did promise to peel my dress off,” I reminded him.

His smile was so carnal I felt my insides flutter. “I haven’t forgotten.”

The car stopped outside his apartment building, and he gently eased me off his body. I smoothed my hair and said good night to Leonard as Jason went around the car and opened the door for me.

“Such a gentleman,” I teased.

“Just trying to make sure I get laid tonight.”

“You can get laid every night and day.”

He drew me into his arms, and right there in front of the entrance, he claimed my lips in a kiss I felt all the way to my toes.

I closed my eyes and sank into him, relishing the sensation of his lips on mine, the taste of his tongue, the almost aggressive way his hands molded my body to his. I pressed my hips into his thighs, the hard evidence of his erection making me ache deep in my belly.

He released my lips but kept holding me close to his body. “Careful,” he whispered in my ear. “Don’t tempt me to fuck you right here on the street.”

I laughed weakly, but the image was strangely arousing. “Would you?”

“I’d fuck you anywhere you wanted.” He smiled. “What’s a few nights in jail compared with making you come?”

I giggled. “Thankfully, you can make me come when we’re inside.”

He let out an exaggerated sigh of regret and released me. “If that’s what you want.”

I snorted, and we walked into the building, his arm around me. As we neared the elevator, he turned to me with a serious expression.

“Andre is convinced ‘Ladies first’ was invented so men could check out women’s butts.”

“Your assistant? That’s the kind of stuff you two talk about?” I wrinkled my nose in amusement. “It’s not true anyway.”

Jason pressed the call button. “Likely not.” The doors opened, and he looked at me, the corners of his lips twitching in a naughty smile. “Ladies first.”

I tried not to laugh. “Very funny.”

“Go on.” He was still smiling. “I have an ass to check out.”