“Do you want to go to the cabin? I’ll drive you, but you have to get the address from Cameron.”
My eyes welled up with tears. I was so emotional that I didn’t recognize myself. I’d gone from having no constant in my life to having Kara.
I’d had Caleb too…but I was on the verge of losing him. He was changing me. He had changed me.
“Oh, Ver. Come here,” Kara soothed, pulling me to her.
“He left. Caleb left me.”
She rubbed my back. “Well, you hurt him pretty bad, sweetie. You were such a dick to him,” she said after a moment. “You accused him of cheating, but cheating requires consent from both partners. Believe me, I know. He was a good friend who wanted to help Beatrice-Rose, but he was really stupid for lying in that bed with her. I mean, come on, Caleb—really? If you did that shit with another guy, he’d bust a nut.”
I half choked and half laughed. Count on Kara to be blunt—and right.
Her tone turned serious. “You’re my friend, Veronica, and I love you. I know you’ve got daddy issues and a whole buttload of other issues, but if you let them control you, you’re going to lose Caleb.
“Do you want to hold on to your baggage or hold on to him? You know when they say ‘If you love someone, let them go’—‘or set them free’ or whatever bullshit they cooked up to put on their damned meme? Fuck that. If I love someone, I’m going to hold on with both of my hands. My feet—hell, my teeth too. That ship ain’t gonna sail without me.”
She had a point, but I grew up in a family where I’d learned at a young age that staying with and fighting for a person could be toxic. Sometimes it was better to let go.
But Caleb was different. He had always been good to me. Losing him was what it took for me to realize that.
“He’s a guy, Ver, and you kind of kicked his balls to the curb. So he just needs to feel like a man again. You know, clear his head, drink booze, not shower for days. Disgusting guy stuff. But if you want, we can still drive there.”
I shook my head. “Not tonight, Kar. I don’t think…I don’t think he wants to see me. I’ll wait till he comes back. He’s coming back, right? He has to come back.”
“Of course he will, stupid.” She paused. “Know what? You need to get out of this funk you’re in. I’m going to text Beth and see if she’ll meet us at the coffee shop.”
“Kar, I want to go home.”
She patted my shoulder. “Well, that’s too bad, isn’t it?”
Ten minutes later, the aromatic smell of coffee and freshly baked bread greeted my nostrils as we entered the little coffee shop. My stomach rumbled, and I realized I hadn’t eaten since morning. Kara’s sandwich was still in my bag.
The coffee shop was only occupied by a few patrons, mostly college students since it was close to the school. An older lady with a big yellow Labrador was trying to sit in a booth, but her dress was caught on the side of the seat. She was wearing shades and holding a white cane to help balance herself.
“Hello,” I said softly. “I’m just going to help you here a bit. Your dress is caught on the seat.”
“Oh, thank you, young lady.”
“You’re welcome. You have a beautiful dog.” I crouched in front of the dog, scratching her chin.
“Yes, she is. This is Catnip right here. My granddaughter named her.”
I chuckled. “Hello, Catnip.”
Catnip gave me a friendly grin and bumped her nose on my arm.
“Beth’s not here yet. Let’s sit here,” Kara called out, choosing a seat near the window where there was a view of the airport.
It was getting dark, and the yellow and red runway lights flickered like a blazing fire.
“I’ll get us some drinks,” I said. “Chocolate milk shake?”
“Yup. With whipped cre—motherfucker.”
I looked up in alarm and turned my head to where Kara was glaring.
“She’s here,” Kara snarled.