I looked over. Beatrice-Rose and Justin were seated at a table in the back of the café, talking quietly with their heads close together as if plotting something evil.

Beatrice-Rose was just everywhere today.

“Let’s sit close to them. Come on.”

“No. Kar!” But it was no use—she was already up and moving. “Kara! Come back here!” I hissed.

Kara sat at the table behind the older lady and Catnip, perfectly angled so Beatrice-Rose and Justin wouldn’t spot us unless they turned their heads. I glared at Kara as I sat down across from her.

She grinned, and I grinned back because it was genius. I couldn’t really hear what Beatrice-Rose and Justin were talking about, and I almost giggled because Kara was making gagging faces. But when I flicked my eyes toward Beatrice-Rose, my heart jumped into my throat.

There, around her forefinger, was the key chain I’d given Caleb as a present. She was twirling it.

My blood boiled. I wasn’t even aware of what I was doing when I got up and marched toward her.

“Where the hell did you get that?” I demanded.

Beatrice-Rose’s eyes widened in fear for a brief second before she hid the emotion and replaced it with disdain.

“Hi, Veronica,” she said, smirking.

“Stop with the pretending. I’m getting sick of it.” My eyes darted to Justin as he leaned back in his seat. He crossed his arms across his chest and grinned like he was ready for a show. His attitude made me sick to my stomach.

“Where did you get that key chain?” I asked again.

“This?” She raised her eyebrows in innocence. “Justin bought it for me.”

Justin had a foul smile on his face. “Yep. I did. Cheapest shit I ever bought.”

“You’re lying.”

“I don’t know why you keep throwing these accusations at me,” Beatrice-Rose said. “Frankly, I’m the one getting sick of you and your accusations. You’re imagining things. I am trying to be patient and understanding with you, Veronica, but you make it so hard. And now you’re accusing me of what? Stealing?”

“It’s not any better than kissing a guy without his consen

t while he’s asleep,” I said coolly.

She paled.

“I saw you at Caleb’s place a few hours ago,” I added. “What were you doing there?”

I wasn’t going to play her game. She was a professional liar and a great actress, but her face was getting splotchy and anger filled her eyes.

“Did you go up to his apartment and steal that?” I gestured at the key chain. “Did you force your way into someplace where you’re obviously not wanted?”

“You bitch!” she shrilled. She stood up just as the server was delivering her coffee and cried out in anger as the coffee spilled on her white dress.

Kara laughed behind me.

“Fuck!” Beatrice-Rose screamed. Her eyes were wild as they zeroed in on me. When I saw her raise her hand, I took a step back, but she lunged at me.

“I’m the one he loves!” she spat out. “Me!”

I held her off as she threw her weight on me, trying to claw at my face. I would have fallen on the floor, but instinct made me step to the side, widening my stance for support, and I was able to push her past me instead and let gravity do the rest.

The low growling made me spin around. Beatrice-Rose was sprawled on the floor, her eyes wide with fear as she slowly got on all fours. Catnip was crouched low so that her eyes were level with Beatrice-Rose’s, sharp canine teeth bared and ready to rip skin.

“If this dog attacks me, I will sue you, you blind hag. And this fucking coffee shop! Get it the hell away from me!” she shouted.