“Are you looking for Veronica?”

I narrowed my eyes at her. Her face was a picture of innocence, but I knew better. Underneath it, she was anything but. Red said they had the same dress, but all I could remember was that Beatrice-Rose had also worn red. She must have changed, because now she had on a white gown.

“She’s in the gazebo. I just saw her there.”

“Thanks.” I turned to leave.

“Wait! Caleb, I-I don’t think you want to see what she’s doing right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s with this…guy.”

If she was here to make trouble for me and Red again, I swear… I took a deep breath to calm myself, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“They look really cozy together,” Beatrice-Rose continued, looking worried. “It’s the guy you had a fight with on campus. He’s got his arm around her—”

I walked away before she could finish. I felt my blood boiling. My temper, already aggravated by my dad’s appearance, reached its boiling point.

“Caleb?” It was Cameron this time. “Where the hell have you—”

I ignored Cameron and kept walking. Faster. Faster until I started running.

Chapter Thirty


I knew several pairs of eyes were watching me. Curious, baffled, judging eyes. Because of this, my spine was straighter, my walk sassier, my face devoid of any emotion.

Inside, I was anything but.

I could hear the whispers.

Who is she?

Look at that ring Caleb gave her! And that necklace! Fabulous.

Strafford? Is her family in the same hotel business as the Lockharts? Real estate? Which company do they own?

Look at her dress. Her shoes. I don’t think her family owns anything worthwhile. This one was followed by mocking, condescending giggles that two women tried to stifle when I passed.

I ignored them. The champagne they were sipping cost more than my whole outfit. So what? If I let that bother me, I’d be running from here with my tail between my legs. My mother had taught me better than that.

Caleb deserved more than that.

I deserved more than that.

So I made sure to wear an I-dare-you smile on my lips.

“I hope you’re having a lovely evening so far.”

Caleb’s mom practically glided over in a conservative and gorgeous royal-blue dress, hair and makeup perfect, polite smile in place.

“Mrs. Lockhart.” My voice cracked.

She was still Mrs. Lockhart, right? I knew Caleb said his parents were divorced…but was it final yet? He didn’t like talking about it so I’d never asked.

Why didn’t I ask? Oh God.