Maybe my mom would know. I was going back to the garden to ask her when I heard a familiar voice. “Caleb, Son.”

My heart flipped in my chest before dropping into my stomach. My dad stood in front of me.

I hadn’t seen him in months. He looked familiar and strange at the same time. More lines were etched around his eyes and mouth as he smiled at me. On his arm was his latest mistress. She was probably younger than I was.

Resentment and love warred inside me as I gazed at my dad. What the hell was he doing here?

“Happy birthday, Son.”

He stepped forward, looking like he was going to hug me. I stepped back before he could get any closer. His smile disappeared.

“Thanks,” I said coldly. “Enjoy the evening with your”—child—“date.”

I turned to walk away.


I stopped, gritting my teeth.

“Can I have a moment with you? Please?”

I faced him, my hands balling into fists. I kept my expression stoic as I waited for him to speak. How dare he show up here with his mistress? Was he rubbing it in my mom’s face? Did he know how hurt or humiliated Mom would be by him bringing her here?

“Son?” he pressed.

I tried really hard not to sneer. “You’re overusing that word.” I let out a sigh at his puzzled expression. “You stopped being a father a long time ago.”

His face hardened. My eyes shifted to the girl beside him as she pulled at his arm. She gazed at me with an unmistakable look of invitation in her eyes.

I nearly curled my lip in disgust, but my mom had taught me to be nice to children.

“I don’t want to be rude,” I said patiently, returning my gaze to my dad. “But who invited you?”

“Your mom did.”

I just stared at him, shocked.

“I asked her to send me an invitation for your birthday, Caleb. I wanted to see you.”

Anger rose up in my throat. “Did Mom tell you to bring her here?”

Guilt marred his face. “No, but—”

“It wasn’t enough that you divorced Mom? You want to humiliate her by bringing this…girl here?” I looked up at the dark sky and blew out a breath. “Let’s be honest and stop wasting each other’s time. What do you need?”

“Nothing, Son. I’m here for you.”

“Bullshit. What do you really want? Wait, you know what? I’m not interested. See you around. Or not.”

With that, I turned and left. My heart pounded in my chest, and my face felt hot as I nearly ran to get away from him.

He was here for me? What a load of crap.

He was a liar, and a selfish man who used people. He only remembered his family when he needed something. I had accepted that a long time ago…but acceptance didn’t mean it couldn’t hurt me anymore.

“Cal.” Beatrice-Rose stepped in front of me, blocking my way. What the hell did she want now?

“I don’t have time for you right now, Beatrice-Rose.”