Page 19 of Hold On to Me

John laughed loudly and then wrapped an arm around her back. “I told you I would get my hands on you. I wasn’t kidding.” He pushed her up against his truck with his body and held her face between his hands. .

“Do you know what I want right now?” he asked. “To kiss you.”

“You … you said that it was a mistake last time.”

“I did, but you read the text I sent you after.”

She nodded.

“I wasn’t lying. One kiss wasn’t enough. Maybe I need one more and that’s it.”

“Maybe …”

Then he smashed his mouth to hers. She gripped his wrists and held on tight, kissing him back. John couldn’t take it any longer. Weeks had passed since there was any contact between him and Alyssa. He wanted her something fierce, his body craved hers. Every chance he got with Alyssa, she went in the opposite direction, acting as if she didn’t want his touch. She was keeping him at arm’s length just like she had with everyone in her life. And he was about to put a stop to it … or at least try to.

“Since we’re on the subject, I was thinking, you don’t have a boyfriend, I don’t want a girlfriend, how about we try out the friends with benefits thing?”

Oh, John was smooth, laying on his thick southern drawl a little deeper here. She almost agreed that instant.

“That is the stupidest idea ever, John. Friends with benefits never works for anyone.”

“Such a pessimistic outlook you have. Take a chance.”

“With you?”

“Well, I’m sure not talking about one of my friends, or sleazy Ben.” John’s gaze turned hard, matching his voice.

“Johnny … What if it ruins our friendship? I like you. You’re the first real friend I’ve had in a long time. I don’t want to fuck this up. I even like Jace and Ford.”

When he stayed silent, she said, “I don’t know … I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Why not? We’re friends who just happen to have a little chemistry. There’s no harm in it.”

“It’s just that—we’re friends, and I don’t want anything to ruin our friendship. The benefits would.”

John turned serious. “Alyssa, has our friendship been strained or awkward since we kissed last time?”

Alyssa glanced to the side. “Well, no.”

“Then there’s your answer. Nothing is going to happen to us.”

“That was just a kiss, though. You’re asking for way more.”

“We’ll start off slow then. I want you, and I’m pretty sure you want me.”

He’d told her that the first kiss they shared had been a mistake—and it was. It had been a mistake because with the way she was staring at his mouth made his dick grow hard, and all he could think of was kissing her deep and seeing how far they would take it. Would she push him away? Or would she pull him closer? Maybe he needed to kiss her once more and that would be enough to tame the fire growing inside him right now.

Or would it only inflame it?

She contemplated for a moment. The last thing she wanted was a relationship and seeing as she has chemistry with him, she took a chance. “I guess we can try it out.”

John reached behind and fisted her hair in his hand. He yanked her forward and closed the distance with his mouth.

Alyssa panted, gripping the back of his shirt. “What are you doing?”

“I just sealed our deal with a kiss.” John stepped back, and she almost reached for him. He noticed her little step and grinned.

Alyssa puckered her lips together. “Jerk.”