Page 18 of Hold On to Me

John took a step forward, a sneer pulling at his mouth. “I don’t want you hanging out with him.”

“You can’t tell me what to do,” Alyssa spat back.

Another step and he had her boxed against his truck. “Think about what you’re doing.”

“What’s there to think about?” she shrugged. “We were just having a little fun after he helped me out.”

“Alyssa,” he breathed on her neck. “I thought you didn’t like a little fun, said nothing good could come from it,” he questioned with a raised brow.

Even in the darkness, John’s eyes stood out. They bore into her, touching her intimately and warming her body as they traveled down to her parted lips. A lopsided grin tugged at his mouth as he leaned down for a kiss.

He was just mere inches from her mouth, her heart pounded in her ears.

Quickly, she moved her head to the right and ducked under his arms. A flirtatious laugh escaped her. “I don’t think so, country boy.” She waved her finger at him.

Alyssa was beginning to get under his skin. Taking a deep breath, John kept his head between his arms that were still propped against the truck and stared at the ground. Her teasing voice was working him up and she knew it. John wanted Alyssa. He wanted her more and more each minute they spent together. Maybe a quick fuck would get her out of his system for now.

“Girl,” he said lowly. “You better run.”

“What’s that, country boy?” Sarcasm was woven in her high pitched voice. “I didn’t quite hear you.”

John raised his head just enough to peer over his flexed arm. “I said, you better run.”

With doe eyes, she responded. “Oh, yeah? What are you going to do?”

“Once I get my hands on you, I’m not going to stop.” Her eyes lowered and her smile faltered as he went on. “And if I remember correctly, you liked my hands on you.” A devious grin lit up his face.

Alyssa was stuck in her place as John stood to his full height. “Please, don’t get ahead of yourself. It wasn’t that great.” She was totally lying.

His brow quirked up, challenging her. “I’m going to count to three,” he took a step. “And you better be gone.”


“Johnny …”

“Two.” He took another step closer and she booked it.

“Three!” John chased after her to the back of the truck. They were going in circles and laughing at the same time.

“John!” she panted. “I don’t want to play your stupid game.”

“We don’t always get what we want. But I know all about that, don’t I?”

John stopped running and ducked so she couldn’t see him. He got low and looked under his truck for her feet.

“John?” Her whisper carried through the night air. She stood on her tiptoes looking for him and he covered his mouth to stifle his laugh.

“Where are you?”

Another circle around the truck, a few large steps, and he was catching up to her. He said nothing, just creeped as quietly as he could to where she was. Even in the dark he could still see her little feet.

“Where are you?” she asked again, her hand on the hood of his truck.

“Right here,” he said in her ear.

A shriek echoed through the air and she jumped. Turning

around, she slapped his chest. “You jerk! You scared me!”