I had never been the center of attention before. It was almost intoxicating to have three of the highest paid players in Texas swarming around me like I was the only girl in the bar. One drink turned into several and I started getting buzzed. None of them left. In fact, I started attracting more guys as the drinks kept flowing. In addition to the three that had already started, three other guys from the team joined in. One was a dark eyed guy named Chad Watson who played multiple positions, one was a veteran safety named Hank Smith, and the other was a kicker named Joe Rollins—he was Matt’s brother. My head was spinning from the attention and from the drinks. I wasn’t sure which one was stronger, but it seemed like a constant stream of sexual innuendos and none of them even had the hint of jealousy. I was surprised it didn’t break out into a brawl considering my experience with having the attention of more than one guy in the past.

“I need to run to the restroom.” I sat my latest drink down and hopped off the barstool.

“Don’t stay gone too long.” Matt let his hand graze mine as I walked past.

“She’ll be back.” Jerrod laughed. “She still has to choose one of us to take her virginity.”

“Maybe she likes us all.” Hank slapped my ass as I walked past and the group laughed.

Yeah that’s a problem—I do like them all. They’re all wonderful in their own way and having this much attention is incredible. Matt brought me to the dance though and it would be a little unfair to go home with someone else, so if it ain’t him, I probably need to go home alone.

I’m not sure that is going to be possible.

Chapter 4: Coach Dawson

The blonde under the table polishing my cock had an enthusiastic set of lips. She worked the shaft while her younger sister kept my balls suspended on her tongue. They probably traded up a few times, but I didn’t notice a difference. I knew I wasn’t the only guy in the bar with a girl under the table, but several of the guys had started to congregate around one of our new cheerleaders. She was a delicious young thing named Mia that looked inexperienced as hell. It didn’t matter if you coached from the sidelines or played on field, if you were a member of the Texas Cowboys, there was always someone ready to get you off. Every girl knew someone that would be jealous when they told them they hooked up with an NFL player—or even a coach. The two girls under the table were regulars. I had fucked them several times and it wasn’t uncommon for me to take both home for the evening.

“Keep going girls, you know I’ll make you both cum when we get back to my place.” I ran my finger through Tiffany’s hair—or maybe it was Brandy’s mop—I couldn’t tell the difference.

I was a bit intrigued when I saw Mia head to the restroom, especially when none of the players followed her. The sinks in those restrooms had seen more action than some of the hotel rooms in the area. The preseason party at Lone Star Pub was a regular event that I threw for the players every year and they usually made it an open bar for the girls that showed up. The players deserved to get hammered and do some hammering before they hit the road for the opening game. We would play a couple of preseason games, but those were just warm-up matches for us to get some reps in. The real shit started when we hit the road to Atlanta and played one of our rivals. I wasn’t sure what to make of the virgin, Mia, but I didn’t need her distracting the team from their goals, so I decided to go talk with her while she was alone.

Shit, I am going to interrupt Tiffany and Brandy to talk to this girl? I’m a good fucking coach.

“Need to hit the head, ladies.” I tapped one of them and started stuffing my cock back in my pants.

I removed myself from the table with my cock still hard in my pants. I saw the two girls shuffle back to their seats and pretend like they hadn’t just spent the last hour on their knees. The sipped their drinks that were probably warm by that point. I positioned myself halfway down the hallway between the two restrooms and waited for Mia to emerge. I didn’t know much about her, but word had gotten around quickly that she was a virgin. The doors opened and she stepped out, adjusting the hem of her dress. She had legs that went on for miles and that was even without the short cheerleader skirt. Once I got a good look at her, I understood what all the fuss was about. She even made my cock tingle when she got closer. I put an arm out to block her path before she could return to the crowd.

“Mia, right?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Hey, Coach Dawson.” She smiled and her face lit up with one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen.

“What’s going on with you and the team?” I leaned towards her. “Are you going to leave all my players with blue balls tonight?”

“Coach Dawson...” She blushed and looked down at the floor.

“Look, I get it. You’re young, beautiful, and you’re a virgin. You probably haven’t had this kind of attention before, but there are a lot of very pretty girls getting neglected tonight because six of my best players are focused on you.” I stared her down as she looked up again. “I don’t care if you go home with one of them or all of them, but you need to figure out what the plan is because if you’re not planning on going home with any of them, I think we’re going to have a riot.”

“Damn...” She muttered. “I was just having fun. I don’t know which one to choose. They’re all amazing.”

“Which one makes your pussy wet?” My words were blunt, but she needed to get her shit together.

“Um...” She looked back at the floor. “They all do—kinda.”

“Come with me.” I took her by the wrist and walked her back towards the group. “Guys, follow me.”

“Coach?” I saw Jerrod’s face turn to a surprised look of shock.

“Back room, team huddle—now!” I snapped at him with the same intensity I did on the field.

“Yes sir, Coach.” Jerrod put his drink down and when he followed, the other six immediately trailed behind the locker room leader.

I was about to propose something very strange, but it wasn’t the first time I had to resort to it. Mia was hardly the first girl to get the attention of several guys at once, but usually it wasn’t six of my best players. I had refereed backroom brawls and parkin

g lot standoffs when pussy was on the line, but Mia was different. The guys weren’t fighting over her. They were all just trying to get in her panties. I wasn’t sure if it was the intense team building exercises we had done or if they were just playing nice, but I didn’t want the alcohol to turn good judgment into bloodshed if she chose one of them when the night was almost over. The more alcohol they downed, the bigger that risk got. When we were in the back room, I walked to the front of the crowd with Mia’s wrist still in my hand. I let her go and watched her look around the room. She was a deer caught in an awful lot of headlights and I wasn’t sure she could get out of the way of any of them unless I intervened.

“Team, I’ve been watching all of you tonight and I obviously haven’t been able to ignore the way you’re looking at this beautiful virgin.” He motioned to Mia.

“She’s gorgeous, coach.” Matt grinned and she seemed to blush.