“Obviously she wants the quarterback, not the guy that can’t catch him.” Jerrod teased Matt and got a sideways glare in response.

“Nobody catches me.” Roger licked his lips. “I know how to score.”

“If I get my hands on you, the only place you’re going is to the ground.” Chad growled at Roger, but smiled after the initial threat.

“If he misses, you won’t get past me.” Hank flexed and curled his bicep.

“Look my brother and I know how to treat a girl.” Joe nudged his brother, Matt. “Why settle for one Rollins when she can have two.”

“Well that is what I’m suggesting guys. Not just two Rollins, but all six of you.” I motioned to the team.

“What!?” Mia’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head and the crowd kind of grew quiet.

“Come on, coach.” Jerrod shook his head. “I don’t want sloppy seconds—or thirds.”

“I’ll share her with my brother but these guys?” Joe smirked. “Maybe if I go first.”

“Quit being pansies.” I snorted angrily. “Look, all six of you are interested in this girl, right?”

“Yeah...” Jerrod nodded and there was a collective agreement.

“She’s a virgin, team. She doesn’t know what she wants. What she does like is all this attention you’re giving her, and frankly, I don’t blame any of you. If I was a few years younger, I’d be interested too—hell, I still am, but you guys are the heart and soul of the Texas Cowboys.” I looked around the room. “What I’m suggesting is that the six of you come back to my ranch and keep doing what you’re doing in a much calmer environment.”

“What do you mean?” Jerrod tilted his head. “Like, compete for her?”

“Not compete—not exactly.” I shook my head back and forth. “Share.”

“Share!?” Mia swallowed hard. “Coach Dawson, I...”

“Mia.” I turned to her. “I’m not saying you need to have sex with all of them, or any of them, but it is clear they’re all invested in you. You’ve heard of a harem, right?”

“A harem? Like, where someone has a bunch of girls to have sex with?” She blinked a couple of times in surprise.

“Yep. What I’m suggesting is that we do it a little different.” I reached over and took her hand. “One girl and six premier athletes that want you. You’d be the luckiest girl in Texas.”

“Damn, Coach.” Hank raised an eyebrow. “It sounds like you’ve done this before.”

“I have, but usually it’s just two or three guys. This will be a bit of new adventure for me as well.” I put my hands on my hips. “What do you say, team?”

“Wait...” Mia held up her hands. “I still haven’t agreed.”

“Mia.” Matt walked up and took her hand. “Coach Dawson is right. All of us really do like you. I don’t want to fight with these guys over you, much less fight my own brother, but I’m really interested in you.”

“I don’t normally share.” Jerrod let out a sigh. “But you’re hot as hell, and while I’d love to be the first one to have you, I think this would be a great exercise for the team. What do you say, guys?”

I knew it would be strange for the team to buy into it, but once I had Jerrod on board, the rest of them seemed to fall in line. My ranch was a sprawling mansion with plenty of room for the eight of us and a whole lot more. What the six players agreeing to the arrangement and the young virgin who still looked scared didn’t quite understand was that there wasn’t just going to be six guys pursuing her—there was going to be seven. I might not be a young stallion like the rest of them, but with six other guys taking turns with Mia, I could certainly give her a few minutes of disappointment once she was fully satisfied. She was so much prettier than Tiffany or Brandy and just being so close to her was igniting my primal need to protect. More than protect—I wanted her. I didn’t care if I had to share.

It’s time for Coach Dawson to get back on the field.

Chapter 5: Mia

Six guys. Six freaking guys?

I walked into the Lone Star Pub with one dream—Matt Rollins. I never imagined the night would go completely off the rails and I would be sitting beside Coach Dawson in the front seat of his Lexus, headed towards his ranch. There was an intense nervousness in my stomach as I thought about it. I was going to lose my virginity. I wasn’t sure which guy would take it but Matt and Jerrod seemed to be the leading candidates. I couldn’t very well agree to go home with six guys—plus Coach Dawson—and expect to go home a virgin. What Coach Dawson suggested was strange and I wasn’t sure if it was me or the alcohol that agreed with it. It seemed like something a promiscuous naughty girl would agree to. Not the kind of girl my parents raised. Not a virgin who had never even seen a real cock outside of the brief glimpses when an HBO show went full frontal.

“I’m glad you agreed to this arrangement.” Coach Dawson reached over and put his hand on my knee. “I know this might be a little different than anything you’ve ever considered before.”

“Never in my wildest dreams—not even in a fantasy.” I stared straight ahead and blinked a couple of times.