Page 29 of Just to Be with You

“There is something about you,” Terrence murmured against her lips. He planted butterfly kisses along her jaw before reclaiming her mouth again.

Janae backed out of his hold. She had to get away from this man—now—before she did something crazy. “Um...I’m going to turn in. Do you need anything?”

“No.” He touched his mouth to hers once more. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

She felt his eyes on her as she hurried off, and she fought the temptation to turn around. She closed her bedroom door, then flopped down on the bed and tried to slow her racing heart.

What in the world have I gotten myself into? She had never had a problem putting the brakes on when a man got too close, especially since her heart had been shattered. But Terrence had a way of making her break all the rules she put in place to protect herself, to keep her heart safe.

Chapter 8

Terrence sat in his office, staring out the window and thinking about his weekend. He’d gotten Janae to sing and admitted she had a pretty decent voice. He smiled at the memory of her trying to teach him to paint. That had been a mess. Where her landscapes looked as such, his ended up looking like globs of color haphazardly thrown on a canvas that wouldn’t even pass as an abstract. He still couldn’t get over the fact that she’d given him one of her pieces. He’d hung it in his bedroom where he could see it every night when he closed his eyes and every morning when he opened them.

“Now, that’s an expression I don’t think I’ve ever seen on your face.”

Terrence rotated the chair toward his secretary and leaned forward. “What type of expression is that?”

“Hmm. Let’s see. That grin...the sparkle in your’s an I-met-a-girl expression.”

He shook his head. “When would I have time to meet a woman? I’m either here or on the road. You said it yourself—I can’t meet a nice girl working all the time. Nothing has changed.”

“Whatever you say.”

Her piercing gaze had him almost squirming in his chair. “Was there something you needed, Mrs. Lewis?”

“Yes. I wanted to give you these three demos. I also need your signature on a couple of things.”

“Okay.” He accepted the CDs, read over and signed the two documents.

“Any new promising artists?”

“Not so far. I’ll take a listen to these three and see.”

“I hope you’re not thinking of signing that DT Spin character.” She made a face. “When I called to make the appointment, he had the nerve to tell me he had to check his schedule and get back to me in a couple of days.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I politely told him Wednesday at nine was the only available day, and if he wasn’t interested, we could offer the slot to someone else.”

“I’m assuming he was available since his name is on my schedule,” he said with a wry chuckle.

“You assume right,” she said sweetly. “So please tell me you’re not signing him.”

“Probably not. Anything else?”

“Not right now.”

“Okay. Thanks. How’s your daughter?”

“Almost there. The baby’s due next month. I can’t wait to be a grandma again.”

“Tell her I said hello.”

“I sure will.”

After his secretary’s departure, he allowed himself a few more minutes to think about Janae before settling down to work.

* * *

Janae stood at the copier waiting for the sheets to finish printing. She shook her head, thinking about the mess Terrence had made while painting. He definitely needed to keep his day job.

“Morning, Janae.”

“Good morning, Laura. How was your weekend?”

The teacher let out a frustrated sigh. “Absolutely boring. No man, no date. Not even a good book. What about yours?”

“I hung around the house all weekend.” She smiled and picked up her stack. “It’s all yours. See you later.”


Janae unlocked her classroom and opened the door. All of a sudden, someone came up behind her and shoved her into the room. “What the...?”

“Let’s go, missy.”

“Karen? Girl, what is wrong with you?”

Karen shut the door, put her hand on a hip and pointed a finger at Janae. “What is wrong with me? I didn’t hang up on you. So, out with it.”

Janae bit her lip to stifle a laugh. “Out with what?” She walked over to deposit the papers on her desk, with Karen right on her heels.

“Don’t try to act all innocent. I want to know about that sexy man you were talking about on Saturday.”