Page 30 of Just to Be with You

She shrugged. “It was nothing. Just some guy. Hey, you were right. This bracelet is beautiful.” Janae lifted Karen’s hand and studied the jewelry.

Karen snatched her hand back. “We’re not talking about my bracelet. You said you weren’t watching TV, so that leaves two options. You were either peeping at someone through the window, or the guy was in your house.”

“Girl, you have some imagination.”

“Since I know you aren’t a Peeping Tom and it was dark, I can only assume you had a man over to your house. I can’t believe you found a new guy and didn’t tell me. I thought we were friends.”

“I didn’t find a new guy, Karen, so cut the drama.”

“I know you didn’t have Lawrence or Carter over there.”

“Definitely not.”

“Well, who was it? You might as well tell me because I’m not leaving you alone until I get some answers.”

Janae sighed. “Fine. Terrence.”

“Monte was at your house? Did he have some business up here over the weekend?”


“Wait. Are you saying he came to San Jose just to see you?”


Karen squealed and clapped her hands. “Look at you, girl. Got music mogul Monte hot on your tail.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Please. What did y’all do?”

“Nothing much. Hung out and talked.”

“No parties, no clubs, no fancy restaurants?”

“Nope. Sorry to disappoint you.”

“So what’s he like?”

“I already told you. He’s a nice guy.”

“Well, he’s a definite improvement from the last two.”

“Speaking of the last two, I saw Lawrence when we stopped at the grocery store.”

“Is he still spewing that crap about you having something to do with his contract not being renewed?”

“Yep. He actually got in my face.”

“Did you use some of those moves your brothers taught you?”

“I didn’t get a chance. Terrence walked up and dropped him with one punch.”

“I’m liking him more and more. Now, that I would’ve liked to see.” Karen chuckled. “I bet Lawrence was shocked.”

“I don’t know. We left him out there. When we came out of the store, he was gone.”

“Well, good for Monte.” She shook her head. “I mean, Terrence. Is he coming back to see you soon?”

“Probably not. He’s going to be pretty busy with touring and with his music label.”

“Hmph. We’ll see. I think he likes you. I guess I’d better get to my classroom. See you later.”


Alone now, she thought about what Karen said. If she were honest with herself, she would confess to liking him, too. But she had no intentions of losing her heart to the popular music star. Besides, he told her he only had one love—music. She had her teaching and her painting. That was enough.

* * *

Janae stood and stretched. She had been in her studio for almost three hours working on her latest piece, a full moon rising over the mountains at sunset. She’d seen the spectacular view in New Mexico while visiting her parents. If she closed her eyes, she could see it clearly in her mind as if she were standing in the spot that evening.

The desk clock read eleven o’clock—far past the time for her to be in bed. Janae cleaned her brushes and started from the room. She noticed the piece she’d done of the snowcapped mountains leaning against the wall. Terrence had seemed to really enjoy it. Making a decision, she picked up the piece, carried it over to the table and wrapped it. She could drop it off tomorrow on her way to work. Smiling, she turned off the light and headed to her bedroom.

* * *

Terrence shoved the chair back from the desk, then stalked out of his office. “Mrs. Lewis, has there been any word from Darren Thomas?” he asked with irritation. “His appointment was at nine, and it’s seven minutes past.”

“No, Monte. Not one word. What would you like me to do?”

“If he’s not here in the next five minutes, you can tell him his appointment has been canceled.”

“Gladly, son.”

He spun on his heels and went back into his office. Two minutes later, a knock sounded on his door and Mrs. Lewis stuck her head in.

“Monte, he’s here,” she said with a frown. “He has a little entourage with him.”

“I don’t have time for this today,” he muttered. “Can you have Donovan come over?”

“Sure. Do you want to wait until Donovan arrives before you see him?”

“Yes, please. Thank you.”

“No problem.” She turned toward the outer office. “It will be just a minute. Please have a seat,” Terrence heard her say as she closed the door.